There is a dearth of books covering drawing and product design. Drawing for Designers fills this gap, offering a comprehensive guide to drawing for product/ industrial designers and students. As we…
Saat ini web merupakan salah satu sumber informasi yang banyak dipakai. Sebagai salah satu aplikasi, web dibuat dengan tujuan agar pemakai dapat berinteraksi dengan penyedia informasi secara mudah …
Inspirasi desain website dapat Anda dapatkan dari mana saja. Tidak melulu dari tren desain website yang sedang in saat ini. Jika Anda tipe orang yang menyukai sesuatu yang bersifat kuno, yang serin…
Featuring more than 650 examples, this book is packed with visual inspiration for creating top-notch web design.
This book includes more than 650 new websites arranged thematically.
Web kreatif adalah teknologi dan style desain terbaru yang banyak digunakan oleh para designer web untuk meningkatkan penjualan di mana layout dan desain keseluruhan website bermain dengan section …
Buku ini memandu anda melewati proses-proses pembuatan desain yang baik, mulai dari tahap awal hingga akhir, dengan menggunakan petunjuk-petunjuk yang mudah diikuti, tanpa memerlukan pengalaman dal…
Mahir Menggunakan Autodesk Inventor Pro 2013 Untuk Menggambar Mesin 3D Problem umum inovasi dibidang mekanik adalah meuangkan ide atau gagasan yang dimiliki dalam bentuk gambar yang mudah dipaha…
Buku ini hadir memberikan contoh nyata dalam pembuatan aplikasi berbasis web menggunakan Codelgniter, teknik dasar memahami Codelgniter, operasi CRUD, menampilkan berita terbaru dan berita sebelumn…
Selain dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan berbagai macam bentuk pekerjaan desain animasi 2D, ADOBE FLASH juga bisa dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan animasi web. Buku ini akan menjelaskan teknik pembuatan ani…
What is the role of design research in the types of insight and knowledge that architects create? That is the central question raised by this book. It acts as the introductory overview for Ashgate…
Buku ini berisi tentang dasar-dasar arsitektur yang menyajikan aturan-aturan dasar dari setiap disiplin ilmu yang ada dalam jurusan arsitektur.
Buku Desain Arsitektur Tahan Gempa ini memuat bahasan bagaimana seharusnya desain bangunan dipersiapkan terhadap potensi gempa. Disertai dengan ilustrasi dan contoh yang jelas dan dilengkapi dengan…
AutoCAD 3 Dimensi adalah tahap berikutnya yang perlu anda kuasai setelah dapat menggunakan AutoCAD 2 Dimensi. Buku ini membahas AutoCAD 2013 dengan cakupan bahasan dasar penggambaran 3D hingga and…
Buku ini membahas fondasi tahan gempa yang mengacu kepada SNI 03-2847-2002 dan SNI 03-1726-2002 yang disertai contoh perhitungan fondasi, baik fondasi dangkal maupun fondasi dalam, mulai dari penen…
As more factors, perspectives, and metrics are incorporated into the planning and building process, the roles of engineers and designers are increasingly being fused together. Sustainable Infrastru…
The Design of Everyday Things is a powerful primer on how--and why--some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them.
The third edition of Introduction to Ergonomics describes a representative selection of tools and demonstrates how to apply them in practice. In fully researched, stand alone sections with worked e…
The goal of the book is to assist the designer in the development of parts that are functional, reliable, manufacturable, and aesthetically pleasing. Because injection molding is the most widely us…
In The Design of Future Things, best-selling author Donald A. Norman presents a revealing examination of smart technology, from smooth-talking GPS units to cantankerous refrigerators. Exploring the…
This work provides a straightforward introduction to the principles and methods of design for concrete structures. It is directed primarily at students and young designers who require understanding…
Buku ini mengemukakan secara gamblang konsep dasar membuat model 2D sampai dengan bentuk 3D elemen mesin, mulai dari merancang komponen yang sederhana sampai merakit beberapa komponen hingga menjad…
Buku AutoCAD Untuk Mendesain Rumah ini mengupas tuntas tentang langkah-langkah pembuatan dokumen gambar perencanaan bangunan yang meliputi obyek gambar bangunan dua dimensi, tiga dimensi, material,…
This work asserts the belief that the power of design can influence a more responsible approach to our threatened environment. It shows how everyone, from those at the forefront of design to the co…
imensional modeling has emerged as the leading architecture for building integrated DW/BI systems. When you use the conformed dimensions and confirmed facts of a set of dimensional models, you have…
H-Point provides a unique and comprehensive introduction to advanced vehicle packaging and design. This book demystifies the automotive design process and allows designers access to an illustrious …
The latest instalment in the "Manufacturing Guides" series, this book is targeted at students and professionals who create graphics or packaging for mass production. With some 400 specially commiss…
This book presents the finest, boldest, and most eye-catching collection of package designs from around the world. The talented designers featured in these pages know what to look for, how to asses…
The Fundamentals of Design Management introduces the interdisciplinary nature of the creative industries; the integrated nature of design management and the relationships between people; the basics…
UK Design lies between the worlds of culture and commerce, between passion and profit. Design is indeed a passion for things, offering methods that enable them to come into being. It follows that d…
productivity that has led to the database system becoming arguably the most important development in the field of software engineering. The database is now the underlying framework of the informati…
The history of database research over the past 30 years is one of exceptional productivity that has led to the database systems becoming arguably the most important development in the field of soft…
Sinopsis: Buku ini merupakan buku kedua yang dikembangkan dari “celotehan” Handry Satriago yang dibuatnya di media sosial Twitter sejak tahun 2011. Dalam buku ini, Handry membahas mengenai dua …
Buku ini memperkenalkan dunia grafika lebih jauh.
"Environmental Psychology for Design" introduces the discipline of environmental psychology in different and more meaningful ways to design students and does it in a way that encourages students to…
Consolidating state of the art research in marketing that relates to product development, the authors provide a review of the cutting edge of the field. Covers a wide range of issues including the …
An encyclopaedic guide to production techniques and materials for product and industrial designers, engineers, and architects.
The beauty of impermanence has many manifestations whether in the artistic, natural or spiritual realms. Each transitory piece elicits a precious response in the participant a heightened awareness …
Since its launch in 1993 by the nonprofit U.S. Green Building Council, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program has become the standard measure of sustainability for buildin…
In 2011, following the phenomenal global success of Sketching, which has sold over ninety thousand copies to date, authors Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur debut the sequel entitled Sketching: The Ba…
Classic modern design never goes out of style: it is merely retired or subtly adapted to its given place and time. New Modernist Type is a collection that reveals how a graphic language of simplici…
Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design, Second Edition, discusses the role of materials and processes in product design. The book focuses on the materials…
This book, part of a new series built on the authority of Rob Thompsons highly acclaimed Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals, includes new content selected specifically for the needs o…
The crucial role of product design in international competition is only now becoming fully appreciated. Based on a wide range of research in over 100 leading companies worldwide, this book describe…
This is a lavishly illustrated look at some of the most creative and innovative product designs from across the globe. With virtually no restrictions on material, form, dimension, or colour, produc…
This title presents the fundamental principals behind the conception and design of built space and their effect on coping with illness. One of the key questions to be answered is how architecture c…