Buku ini akan menginspirasi Anda untuk mengelola keuangan dengan lebih baik. Setiap langkah yang saya jabarkan akan membantu Anda memegang kendali atas keuangan Anda dan mendorong Anda lebih dekat …
Buku ini menawarkan ulasan mengenai prinsip dasar ilmu gambar teknik.
Komunikasi dalam kajian kebudayaan merupakan satu penyegaran gagasan yang kemudian disebut sebagai "retasan jalan baru" atas penerjemahan budaya, yang kerapkali didominasi oleh antropologi dan sosi…
Buku ini menawarkan ulasan mengenai prinsip dasar ilmu gambar teknik.
Buku ini berisi tentang hal-hal unik yang terjadi pada masyarakat dari budaya yang berbeda ketika mereka saling berbagi pikiran, perasaan, dan informasi.
Komunikasi lintas budaya merupakan kajian yang bersifat muhzidfsipliner Kajian ini selalu bersentuhan dengan cabang-cabang ilmu sosial lain, meskipun masing-masing mempunyai ruang lingkup dan fokus…
This book introducing readers the theory and research findings needed to understand how to make groups effective and the the skills required to apply that knowledge in practical situations. Expert…
Manajemen Warna Adalah Proses yang mengatur bagaimana warna diterjemahkan dari salah satu peralatan dalam proses pencetakkan. Manajemen Warna dperlukan untuk menjamin reproduksi warna yang akurat d…
This comprehensive introduction to adult education/postcompulsory education offers a broad overview of the field for students, adult educators, and workplace trainers. The book establishes an analy…
How do you tailor education to the learning needs of adults? Do they learn differently from children? How does their life experience inform their learning processes? These were the questions at th…
Buku ini menyajikan panduan lengkap untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi perubahan, menangani perubahan tersebut beserta konflik yang ada di dalamnya, untuk kemudian menjadikannya sebagai sarana mel…
Buku ini membahas fungsi-fungsi manajemen, manajemen kinerja dan manajemen mutu terpadu. Agar ketiga dimensi manajemen terrsebut dapat dengan mudah diimplementasikan ke dalam empat dimensi organisa…
Many companies now recognize that learning through training, development, and knowledge management helps employees strengthen or increase their skills in order to improve or make new products, gene…
Buku ini menawarkan sejumlah teori tentang metodolofi penelitian yang diadopsi dari berbagai teori ilmu sosial, budaya, sejarah, manajemen, kritik seni, semiotika, dan sejumlah teori lainnya, yang …
Consolidating state of the art research in marketing that relates to product development, the authors provide a review of the cutting edge of the field. Covers a wide range of issues including the …
Covering contemporary design and development issues, such as identifying customer needs, design for manufacturing, prototyping and industrial design, this text presents a set of step-by-step produc…
Kolaborasi Ive dan Jobs menghasilkan beberapa produk paling ikonik di dunia, termasuk iMac, iPod, iPad, dan iPhone. Desain-desain ini telah menjungkirbalikkan industri secara keseluruhan dan mencip…
Preface 1 The Roles of Education and Physical Education 2 The Responsibilities of the Physical Educator 3 Physical Education and the Law 4 Understanding the Learner 5 Understanding Learning and Imp…
Freinkel gives us the tools we need with a blend of lively anecdotes and analysis. She combs through scientific studies and economic data, reporting from China and across the United States to asses…
An encyclopaedic guide to production techniques and materials for product and industrial designers, engineers, and architects.
"Basics Product Design: Idea Searching" advocates a step-by-step approach to generating ideas and brainstorming. The author encourages an open mind in the development of ideas and teaches the reade…
- Vol. 2 No. 1 2007
Psychologists rely on Abnormal Psychology because it sets the standard for clarity, cutting-edge coverage, authoritative content, and clinical emphasis. It helps them fully integrate the details of…
Psychologists rely on Abnormal Psychology because it sets the standard for clarity, cutting-edge coverage, authoritative content, and clinical emphasis. It helps them fully integrate the details of…
Updated to include the final version of DSM-IV. Addresses two primary questions -- what causes psychopathology and which treatments are most effective in preventing or reducing psychological suffer…
Kebanyakan orang berpikiran bahwa penelitian (atau riset) kualitatif memiliki tahapan yang kompleks dan sangat rumit (dalam melaksanakannya). Dalam lingkungan pendidikan, metode riset ini bisa dika…
Presenting the state-of-the-art for the theory and practice of qualitative inquiry, this landmark Handbook has been a publishing phenomenon in the human sciences since it first published in 1994. A…
Buku ini merupakan kelanjutan dari buku yang telah terbit sebelumnya, “Mudah dan Cepat Menguasai AutoCAD 2D – Release 2018”. Sangat layak dimiliki oleh drafter berpengalaman, instruktur/d…
Reflecting the many changes that have occurred in the study of focus groups in recent years, the book begins with an updated introduction offering a discussion of current social science approaches …
Buku ini membahas tahap demi tahap, mulai dari dasar, teknik menggambar 2D dan 3D, hingga gambar 3D solid. Dijelaskan pula cara mendapatkan dan instalasi software AutoCAD.
AutoCAD merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan dalam bidang desain bangunan. Bagi Anda yang berkecimpung dalam arsitektur atau desain interior, tentu tidak asing dengan aplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini termas…
The seventh edition of Das, PRINCIPLES OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING offers an overview of soil properties and mechanics together with coverage of field practices and basic engineering procedure. PRI…
The revision of this best-selling text for a junior/senior course in Foundation Analysis and Design now includes an IBM computer disk containing 16 compiled programs together with the data sets use…
This is a practical book about architecture and urban design. It is most concerned with the areas of design which most frequently go wrong and impresses the idea that ideals alone are not enough. I…
The main focus of the book is on Indonesia, but in tracing historical links between architectural forms across the region, it reveals a much wider field of inquiry—covering all of the Austronesia…
The concepts of "Indonesian architecture" and "architecture in Indonesia" are both quite difficult to pin down. For the architecture of this small country incorporates influences from many importan…
The eight papers in this volume examine the spatial organization of a variety of Austronesian houses and relate the domestic design of these houses to the social and ritual practices of the specifi…
This book is for students who are about to embark on a qualitative research project as part of their psychology degree. While there are a number of books on qualitative psychological research, Doin…
Successful Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide for Beginners is an accessible, practical guide to doing qualitative research. It sidesteps detailed theoretical discussion and focuses on the cor…
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.; Introduction to qualitative communication research -- Theoretical traditions and qualitative communication research -- Design I : planning research…