The tools of design research, writes Brenda Laurel, will allow designers "to claim and direct the power of their profession." Often neglected in the various curricula of design schools, the new mod…
This book covers the area of product and process modelling via a case study approach. It addresses a wide range of modelling applications with emphasis on modelling methodology and the subsequent i…
Buku ini mengemukakan secara gamblang konsep dasar membuat model 2D sampai dengan bentuk 3D elemen mesin, mulai dari merancang komponen yang sederhana sampai merakit beberapa komponen hingga menjad…
Based around a core of design activities, this book presents the design function as a systematic and disciplined process, the objective of which is to create innovative products that satisfy custom…
This work asserts the belief that the power of design can influence a more responsible approach to our threatened environment. It shows how everyone, from those at the forefront of design to the co…
Membuat sketsa dan menggambar figur model adalah mata rantai tak terpisahkan dari para profesional dan praktisi mode. Desainer fashion, image consultant, penata busana, fashion merchandiser, patter…
H-Point provides a unique and comprehensive introduction to advanced vehicle packaging and design. This book demystifies the automotive design process and allows designers access to an illustrious …
The latest instalment in the "Manufacturing Guides" series, this book is targeted at students and professionals who create graphics or packaging for mass production. With some 400 specially commiss…
This book presents the finest, boldest, and most eye-catching collection of package designs from around the world. The talented designers featured in these pages know what to look for, how to asses…
This book describes the whole design process from concept creation to production, including the all-important considerations of brand development and the designer's obligations and responsibilities…
Paul Temporal has written a remarkably insightful book on how to build strong brands. he addresses every issue in brand management with sound theories and marvelous examples. This is one of the bes…
Packaging Design: Successful Product Branding from Concept to Shelf is the most comprehensive resource of practical and professional information for creating packaging designs that serve as the mar…
A guide to branding on a tight budget. It helps you create a permanent marketing mindset for you and your team. It lets you walk away with hundreds of low-cost or no-cost ideas to catapult your bra…
Buku ini membahas mengenai merek yang dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh khas Indonesia.
This comprehensive textbook presents the reader with an exhaustive analysis of the scientific and paradigmatic approaches to the nature of brand as it has developed over the last twenty years. Taki…
Buku ini menawarkan ulasan mengenai prinsip dasar ilmu gambar teknik.
Buku ini menawarkan ulasan mengenai prinsip dasar ilmu gambar teknik.
Manajemen Warna Adalah Proses yang mengatur bagaimana warna diterjemahkan dari salah satu peralatan dalam proses pencetakkan. Manajemen Warna dperlukan untuk menjamin reproduksi warna yang akurat d…
Buku ini menawarkan sejumlah teori tentang metodolofi penelitian yang diadopsi dari berbagai teori ilmu sosial, budaya, sejarah, manajemen, kritik seni, semiotika, dan sejumlah teori lainnya, yang …
Consolidating state of the art research in marketing that relates to product development, the authors provide a review of the cutting edge of the field. Covers a wide range of issues including the …
Covering contemporary design and development issues, such as identifying customer needs, design for manufacturing, prototyping and industrial design, this text presents a set of step-by-step produc…
Kolaborasi Ive dan Jobs menghasilkan beberapa produk paling ikonik di dunia, termasuk iMac, iPod, iPad, dan iPhone. Desain-desain ini telah menjungkirbalikkan industri secara keseluruhan dan mencip…
Freinkel gives us the tools we need with a blend of lively anecdotes and analysis. She combs through scientific studies and economic data, reporting from China and across the United States to asses…
An encyclopaedic guide to production techniques and materials for product and industrial designers, engineers, and architects.
"Basics Product Design: Idea Searching" advocates a step-by-step approach to generating ideas and brainstorming. The author encourages an open mind in the development of ideas and teaches the reade…
- Vol. 2 No. 1 2007
Menerangkan bagaimana kita bisa memanfaatkan barang-barang yang mungkin hanya teronggok di gudang menjadi benda-benda pajangan interior yang unik dan menarik. - Konsep yang disajikan adalah recycle…
Buku ini akan memandumu membuat whiteboard animation dengan mudah dan praktis. Usai mempraktikkan isi buku ini, dijamin kamu bisa membuat video whiteboard animation. Inilah pembahasan menarik dalam…
BUKU BUDAYA BATIK DERMAYON KARYA NANANG GANDA PRAWIRA Buku Budaya Batik Dermayon merupakan buku yang berisi serangkaian kajian Estetik dan Makna Motif Batik Pesisiran Indramayu yang berdasarkan has…
Since its launch in 1993 by the nonprofit U.S. Green Building Council, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program has become the standard measure of sustainability for buildin…
Buku ini merupakan sarana paling efektif untuk memperkenalkan dunia desain grafis berbasis komputer kepada para pemula. Teknik desain grafis yanh dikupas dibuku ini meliputi teknik olah digital ber…
In 2011, following the phenomenal global success of Sketching, which has sold over ninety thousand copies to date, authors Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur debut the sequel entitled Sketching: The Ba…
For many, doing good work that also does good in the world is part of the ethos of design practice. Just Design celebrates and explores this increasingly critical aspect of design by showcasing a d…
New Features Updated examples and data, new insights from recent research and innovations in practice, and revisions incorporated throughout the book. New examples - New chapter examples bring rele…
Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design, Second Edition, discusses the role of materials and processes in product design. The book focuses on the materials…
This book, part of a new series built on the authority of Rob Thompsons highly acclaimed Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals, includes new content selected specifically for the needs o…
There are many different ways in which a product can be manufactured, but most designers probably know only a handful of techniques in any detail. Using contemporary design as a vehicle to describe…
The crucial role of product design in international competition is only now becoming fully appreciated. Based on a wide range of research in over 100 leading companies worldwide, this book describe…
This is a lavishly illustrated look at some of the most creative and innovative product designs from across the globe. With virtually no restrictions on material, form, dimension, or colour, produc…
Building prototypes and models is an essential component of any design activity. Modern product development is a multi-disciplinary effort that relies on prototyping in order to explore new ideas a…