The production and consumption of news in the digital era is blurring the boundaries between professionals, citizens and activists. Actors producing information are multiplying, but still media com…
Python adalah bahasa pemrograman yang sangat mudah dan ringkas sehingga sangat direkomendasikan untuk pemula yang baru mempelajari bahasa pemrograman. Salah satu kemudahan Python adalah tidak adany…
Apakah anda merasa PC sering eror, lambat dalam mengakses data atau bahkan sering mati sendiri? Itu menandakan performa dari komputer anda sudah lambat dan harus dilakukan beberapa cara untuk menin…
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed short papers, workshops and Doctoral Consortium papers of the 20th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 201…
This book argues that journalism should treat itself as an academic discipline on a par with history, geography and sociology, and as an art form in its own right. Time, space, social relations an…
Creating dynamic websites is easy with Dreamweaver CC and this friendly, full-color guide. Updated for the latest version of Adobe's world-renowned web development tool, Dreamweaver CC For Dummies …
If you're eager to get started using the new Microsoft Word 2013, this self-paced eLearning Kit is an ideal starting point! Featuring a full-color printed book and an online interactive eLearning c…
Whether you're meeting Office 2013 for the first time or upgrading your knowledge from an earlier version, this value-packed eLearning kit makes it easy to learn 2013 at your own pace. This complet…
The definitive book on animation, from the Academy Award-winning animator behind Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Animation is one of the hottest areas of filmmaking today--and the master animator who …
Jimmy is a stereotypical geek who works at the library in Oakland, California, and is trapped in his own torpidity. Sara is his best friend, but she wants to get a life (translation: an apartment i…
Buku ini penting bagi pendamping lansia, baik sebagai pasangan, anak, sanak saudara atau pekerja sosial. Pendamping lansia dibekali pengetahuan tenting kebutuhan sehari-hari, penyakit, masalah kh…
Seonggok gambar hanya bisa menarik perhatian, bila ia mampu memberikan dan melukiskan informasi; mengejutkan dan membangkitkan gairah; serta menukik kepada suatu hal. Ketertarikan ini pada level se…
Ragam Layout Adobe InDesign berisi latihan membuat berbagai aneka desain layout menggunakan Adobe InDesign. Dibahas dalam bentuk tutorial yang dilengkapi dengan file-file contoh yang bisa diunduh d…
This is a publication for professional architects, architecture aficionado, academicians and practitioners of professions closely tied to architecture, built environment, building and construction …
BALAPAN mendapatkan jumlah desimal pi terbanyak amat gila-gilaan. Gregory dan David Chudnovsky membidik rekor dua miliar digit pi. Mereka mengejar jumlah itu dengan mesin superkomputer rakitan send…
• Membahas seluk beluk DNA manusia. • Menguraikan proses kehamilan dan cara merawatnya agar anak tumbuh sehat jasmani dan rohani. • Panduan bagi orang tua yang menginginkan anaknya tumbah c…
For courses in Marketing Strategy, Marketing Management, and Strategic Marketing. The premier marketing strategy and management casebook in the world.
This text is appropriate for advanced/MBA level marketing strategy courses found in marketing departments and undergraduate level marketing capstone courses in business administration departments.O…
pengakuan kultur yang lugu. Kalau Anda mengenal Linus Suryadi AG, selintas saja,Anda akan terhempas kepada sebuah kesan:“serang yang luguâ€Â. Itulahdia orangnya.Lugutapi …
Seminar Nasional Masalah Emosional Pada Anak dan Remaja : "The Challenge of Growing up Resilience"
Written by leading VMware expert, this book covers all the features and capabilities of VMware vSphere. You'll learn how to install, configure, operate, manage, and secure the latest release. Co…
Law of Attraction : Ilmu pengetahuan untuk menarik hal yang Anda inginkan dan mengurangi hal yang tak Anda inginkan
Is the world really falling apart? Is the ideal of progress obsolete? Cognitive scientist and public intellectual Steven Pinker urges us to step back from the gory headlines and prophecies of doom,…
Innovation represents the most important articles on the topic of innovation and features contributions from some of the world's top experts including Jordan J. Baruch, John Seely Brown, Anil Khura…
The Innovation Journey presents the results of a major longitudinal study that examined the process of innovation from concept to implementation of new technologies, products, processes, and admini…
Vol. VI, April 2015, No.1
A complete and practical, how-to exploration of each step in the strategy, opportunity identification, design, testing, launch, and profit-management stages of new-product development. Revision of …
Buku akuntansi ini disertai contoh perusahaan jasa, perusahaan dagang dan perusahaan industry, yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan proses kegiatan dalam siklus akntansi berdasarkan Standar Akuntansi…