In this revised edition, Charles Kibert delivers a detailed, and passionate, overview of the entire process of green building, covering the theory, history, state of the industry, and best practice…
The first book in an exciting new series that spotlights the basics of architecture and design, Basics Architecture: Representational and Drawing Techniques is an easy-to-understand overview of the…
Dalam rangka untuk memberikan pembelajaran cara-cara menggambar pada tingkat dasar, baik untuk level umum, sekolah menengah atas, atau kalangan perguruan tinggi seni rupa maka diperlukan sebuah buk…
Beton bertulang merupakan bahan konstruksi yang paling umum digunakan pada konstruksi gedung di Indonesia. Untuk daerah yang memiliki tingkat kerawanan yang tinggi terhadap gempa, seperti halnya ke…
Buku ini membahas tentang analisa tertentu maupun tak tentu dalam analisa struktur.
Taking a new approach to strucural design, Ching and his co-authors show how structural systems of a building -- as an integrated assembly of elements with pattern, proportions, and scale -- are re…
In Design Drawing, Second Edition, he unmasks the basic cognitive processes that drive visual perception and expression, incorporating observation, memory, and rendering into a creative whole. This…
Buku ini menyajikan teknik-teknik modeling dalam 3ds Max yang lengkap dan sistematis. Dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh kasus disertai soal dan jawaban di setiap akhir bab, sehingga memudahkan pembac…
Buku ini menawarkan ulasan mengenai prinsip dasar ilmu gambar teknik.
Buku ini menawarkan ulasan mengenai prinsip dasar ilmu gambar teknik.
The study of vernacular architecture explores the characteristics of domestic buildings in particular regions or localities, and the many social and cultural factors that have contributed to their …
Modern architecture has become extremely complex and its study has been made more difficult by changes in fashion and a proliferation of design modes. In this book, Geoffrey Baker develops a method…
A superb visual reference to the principles of architecture Now including interactive CD-ROM! For more than thirty years, the beautifully illustrated Architecture: Form, Space, and Order has been t…
The first world atlas ever compiled on vernacular architecture, this comprehensive work illustrates the variety and ingenuity of the world’s vernacular building traditions from a multi-disciplina…
Between a nomad's tent and the Sears Tower lies a revolution in technology, materials, and structures. Here is a clear and enthusiastic introduction to buildings methods from ancient times to the p…
The author demonstrates proven techniques for clearly expressing a wide variety of architectural forms - from loose sketches and easy line drawing, to detailed renderings and final presentations.
"S, M, L, XL" presents a selection of the remarkable visionary design work produced by the Dutch firm Office for Metropolitan Architecture (O.M.A.) and its acclaimed founder, Rem Koolhaas, in its f…
"Big and Green" is the first book to examine the sustainable skyscraper, its history, the technologies that make it possible, and its role in the future of urban development. The book examines more…
A beginner's guide to using Google SketchUp for creating three-dimensional models that covers the basics for creating and altering models and sharing the finished work.
Buku ini menjelaskan berbagai unsur keindahan yang perlu dikuasai para arsitek dan disainer. Melalui kesadaran estetik diharapkan para perancang mampu melahirkan karya yang lebih berbobot dan berni…