This is the first book to present innovation and entrepreneurship as a purposeful and systematic discipline that explains and analyzes the challenges and opportunities of America's new entrepreneur…
"Entrepreneurship", by Robert Hisrich, Michael Peters and Dean Shepherd has been designed to clearly instruct students on the process of formulating, planning, and implementing a new venture. Stude…
Includes both lesson and chapter review activities for students.
Renowned playwright George Bernard Shaw once said "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world, the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depe…
Secara singkat entrepreneur adalah orang-orang yang memiliki kemampuan menggunakan sumber daya ekonomi, kemudian mengembangkan dan menghasilkan produk baru dari usaha yang dimilikinya. Jika ingin m…
Maraknya adopsi teknologi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang positif, membuat Indonesia menjadi salah satu emerging market yang dinilai seksi. Banyak startup bermunculan hadir, namun tak sedikit juga yan…
Startup Pedia (2015) memberikan panduan tentangcara sukses membangun sebuah startup kelas dunia. Di dalam buku ini Anda akan mempelajari aspek-aspek penting dan tahapan yang diperlukan untuk memban…
Buku ini akan memberi Anda wawasan mendalam tentang sifat model bisnis. Buku ini juga akan menggambarkan tentang model konvesional dan model baru serta dinamika dan teknik-teknik inovasinya, bagaim…
Suatu sore, saya berkesempatan minum kopi bersama seorang kawan yang bisnisnya bikin sandal jepit dengan desain binatang. Selama ini desain-desain sandal dimonopoli oleh bentuk huruf sehingga jika …
Entrepreneurship: The Art, Science, and Process for Success, emphasizes three core tenets necessary to start an entrepreneurial venture:The Art of turning an entrepreneurial venture into a success.…
"Entrepreneurial Small Business (ESB)" provides students with a clear vision of small business as it really is today: Katz focuses on the distinctive nature of small businesses that students might …
Entrepreneurial Small Business (ESB) provides students with a clear vision of small business as it really is today. It focuses on the distinctive nature of small businesses that students might actu…
Entrepreneurship - Hisrich, Robert D, Ph.D., and Peters, Michael P, and Shepherd, Dean A Add to Wishlist Browse related Subjects Science > Life Sciences > Biology Business & Economi…
-vol. 11, no. 4, 2017 -vol. 12, no. 1, 2018 (II) - vol. 6, No. 4, 2012 - vol. 9, No. 1, 2015 - vol. 9, No. 2, 2015 - vol. 10, No. 1, 2016 - vol. 7, No. 4, 2013 - vol. 8, No. 2, 2014 - vol. …
-vol. 7, no. 1, 2013 -vol. 7, no. 2, 2013 -vol. 7, no. 3, 2013 -vol. 10, no. 1, 2016 -vol. 10, no. 2, 2016 -vol. 3, no. 4, 2009 -vol. 4, no. 3, 2010
This book provides you with the knowledge needed to realistically evaluate your potential as a business owner. This text encourages you to examine all the major steps involved in starting a new bus…
The book is an innovative compilation of papers that explore the relationship between cultural features and entrepreneurship. The relative stability of differences in entrepreneurial activity acros…
“Salah satu yang membuat saya teringat adalah karya inovatif yang mampu mengubah sampah menjadi barang bermanfaat, seperti biofuel. Seharusnya Budi tidak sendirian mengembangkan ide serta inovasi…
Buku ini merupakan elaborasi lebih lanjut dari pemikiran Ciputra, yang dicoba untuk dikupaskembangkan agar mempunyai dimensi keilmuan dan agar dapat dibangun premis-premis universal yang dapat menj…
Entrepreneurship has been designed to clearly instruct students on the process of formulating, planning, and implementing a new venture. Students are exposed to detailed descriptions of 'how to' em…
This book focuses on the pre-start-up and start-up stages of a new business, with special emphasis on the process and activities that must take place prior to opening a new business. The student-fr…
Recognizing the unique needs of the technology startup, Duening focuses on intellectual property development, funding, and marketing/selling more than other texts in this market. Extensive use of t…
The authors show you how you can integrate entrepreneurship with your teams in their everyday work. They focus on visionary entrepreneurship, implementing successful strategies and dealing with cha…
This book is for the large audience of artists, crafters, and creative individuals from all walks of life who desire to make a livelihood from their creative work, or who possibly have achieved som…
Learning from Entrepreneurial Failure provides an important counterweight to the multitude of books that focus on entrepreneurial success. Failure is by far the most common scenario for new venture…
As the number of universities offering entrepreneurial programs continues to increase, there is a growing need for a suitable framework for the teaching of entrepreneurship beyond the operational s…
his volume of Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics focuses on latest results from entrepreneurship and SME research, Human Resources, along with a focus on the Tourism industry. The first par…
Buku ini menyuguhkan sebrek kisah yang inspiratif para mompreneur.Buku ini secara khusus dan ekslusif menyajikan sejumlah jurus jitu yang dapat diterapkan oleh sipembaca.