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The Encyclopedia of Public Relations explores the evolution of the Public Relations field, with examples from history describing events, changing practices, and the key figures who developed and ex…
The Encyclopedia of Public Relations explores the evolution of the Public Relations field, with examples from history describing events, changing practices, and the key figures who developed and ex…
When initially published in 2005, the two-volume Encyclopedia of Public Relations was the first and most authoritative compilation of the subject. It remains the sole reference source for any libra…
When initially published in 2005, the two-volume Encyclopedia of Public Relations was the first and most authoritative compilation of the subject. It remains the sole reference source for any libra…
The Encyclopedia of Finance is a major new reference work covering all aspects of finance. Coverage includes finance (financial management, security analysis, portfolio management, financial market…
Teori komunikasi berawal dari pertimbangan pragmatis tentang studi komunikasi. Pertama-tama, sarjana komunikasi menengok ke disiplin lain untuk menyusun teori—ini tidak mengherankan karena setiap…
Teori komunikasi berawal dari pertimbangan pragmatis tentang studi komunikasi. Pertama-tama, sarjana komunikasi menengok ke disiplin lain untuk menyusun teori—ini tidak mengherankan karena setiap…
Buku ini berisi 196 istilah pendidikan dan 75 istilah psikologi. Buku ini juga dilengkapi CD yang berisi 33 video yang terkait dengan kedua disiplin ilmu tersebut. Buku ini sangat cocok untuk s…
This publication titled, "Encyclopaedia of Islamic Art and Architecture" provides with a complete overview of all the relevant subject areas of Islamic art and architecture. Special focus lies on d…