this book introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using and implementing database systems and database applications. This book stresses the fundamentals of database modeling an…
Database and database theory have been around for a long time. Early renditions of database centered around a single database serving every purpose known to the information processing community-fro…
Database and database theory have been around for a long time. Early renditions of database centered around a single database serving every purpose known to the information processing community-fro…
Database and database theory have been around for a long time. Early renditions of database centered around a single database serving every purpose known to the information processing community-fro…
Database and database theory have been around for a long time. Early renditions of database centered around a single database serving every purpose known to the information processing community-fro…
Database and database theory have been around for a long time. Early renditions of database centered around a single database serving every purpose known to the information processing community-fro…
Database and database theory have been around for a long time. Early renditions of database centered around a single database serving every purpose known to the information processing community-fro…
Database and database theory have been around for a long time. Early renditions of database centered around a single database serving every purpose known to the information processing community-fro…
Giving comprehensive, soup-to-nuts coverage of database administration, this guide is written from a platform-independent viewpoint, emphasizing best practices.
This book introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems and database applications. Our presentation stresses the fundamentals of database mod…
Buku ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang ingin memulai mencoba menggunakan database Oracle, karena di dalam buku ini akan dijelaskan cara memasang Oracle Database 12c pada PC atau laptop anda, serta qu…
Informasi dan data adalah 2 hal yang berbeda. Informasi dapat dipahami oleh seseorang, sementara data adalah nilai yang tersimpan pada media pasif seperti flashdisk atau hardisk pada komputer. Tuju…
Sudah tidak zaman lagi kebanyakan teori. Buku Android Application Development for Rookies with Database akan memandu Anda dalam melakukan berbagai implementasi program pada Android Studio. Dengan s…
Buku ini membahas secara sederhana tentang dasar-dasar coding untuk proyeksi aplikasi dengan CodeIgniter. Ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman penulis dalam pengembangan aplikasi berbasis web supaya ilmu…
Aplikasi berbasis web tidak sebatas pada website saja, akan tetapi sudah merasuk ke diagram vital sebuah organisasi dan perusahaan. Banyak perusahaan sekarang ini sudah mulai memakai aplikasi berba…
The 2012 release of Microsoft SQL Server changes how you develop applications for SQL Server. With this comprehensive resource, SQL Server authority Robert Vieira presents the fundamentals of datab…
r 2005 improve an already great database management system. This book shows you how to put it to work in a hurry. You'll find out how to use the SQL Server Management Studio and the SQLCMD utility …
Database Administration, Second Edition , is the definitive, technology-independent guide to the modern discipline of database administration. Packed with best practices and proven solutions for an…
Sebuah basis data adalah tempat penyimpanan file data. Sebagai file data, suatu basis data tidak menyajikan informasi secara langsung kepada pengguna. Pengguna harus menjalankan aplikasi untuk meng…
Buku ini mencoba membahas basis data dari sudut pandang manajer sistem informasi, pengembang sistem informasi, dan analisis sistem sehingga lebih bersifat aplikatif dan tidak terlalu menekankan pad…
Buku Basis Data (Revisi Kedua) ini merupakan revisi dalam rangka penyesuaian dengan situasi terkini, setelah sekian tahun lamanya rencana revisi itu tertunda. Revisi ini sekaligus juga berbentuk pe…
Apikasi basis data merupakan aplikasi komputer paling penting saat ini. Buku ini membahas teknik pengembangan aplikasi basis data menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic.NET dan sistem basic da…
imensional modeling has emerged as the leading architecture for building integrated DW/BI systems. When you use the conformed dimensions and confirmed facts of a set of dimensional models, you have…
Python adalah bahasa pemrograman yang paling populer di dunia saat ini, sedangkan MySQL adalah platform database paling banyak digunakan di seluruh dunia. Apa jadinya jika keduanya digabung untuk m…
productivity that has led to the database system becoming arguably the most important development in the field of software engineering. The database is now the underlying framework of the informati…
The history of database research over the past 30 years is one of exceptional productivity that has led to the database systems becoming arguably the most important development in the field of soft…
Perkembangan pemrograman yang dikeluarkan oleh produk Oracle sangatlah cepat dan karena perkembangannya yang cepat tersebut, maka setiap perusahaan banyak menggunakan jasa dari perusahaan oracle in…
Master the fundamentals of Transact-SQL—and develop your own code for querying and modifying data in Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Led by a SQL Server expert, you’ll learn the concepts behind T-SQ…
The problem of how to design a database is commonly encountered by those not specifically trained and practiced in the art. This book, therefore, is written with the lay person in mind. In simple l…
The first SQL Server 2008 books available, will enable SQL Server and other database professionals to make the leap to the 2008 release of Microsoft’s flagship database management system quickly.…
Until now, information about modeling and designing your databases and database applications has been scattered across many different books. This book answers the need for a single comprehensive, p…
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java takes a practical and unique approach to data structures that separates interface from implementation. It is suitable for the second or third programm…
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed short papers, workshops and Doctoral Consortium papers of the 20th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 201…
Learn the concepts, principles, design, implementation, and management issues of databases. You will adopt a methodical and pragmatic approach to solving database systems problems. Database Sys…
ShortCourse: Sql Server 2012 menjelaskan langkah-langkah penggunaan Microsoft SQL Server 2012 beserta hal-hal penting yang perlu Anda ketahui dalam mengoperasikan SQL Serve 2012 Microsoft SQL …
Buku ini memperkenalkan berbagai struktur data untuk merepresentasikan informasi secara fisikal. Karena hampir semua informasi yang dibutuhkan memiliki volume yang sangat besar, maka fokus buku tek…