Jilid pertama ini berisi bahan pelajaran tentang dasar-dasar statistika. Dengan mempelajari pengetahuan dasar statistika tentang ilmu inersia dan ketahanan, maka pembaca akan berkenalan dengan gaya…
Buku ini membahas bahan bangunan yang terkait dengan ekologi lingkungan, penggunaan energi eksploitasi dan pembuatannya serta kesehatan manusia sebagai penghuni gedung secara holistik.
AutoCAD 3 Dimensi adalah tahap berikutnya yang perlu anda kuasai setelah dapat menggunakan AutoCAD 2 Dimensi. Buku ini membahas AutoCAD 2013 dengan cakupan bahasan dasar penggambaran 3D hingga and…
Pengetahuan dan wawasan mengenai kontrak konstruksi merupakan hal yang krusial bagi keberhasilan sebuah proyek. Dengan memahami peran dan seluk-beluk kontrak, pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam indust…
An updated and revised edition of this text for civil engineering undergraduates. It focuses on organizational behaviour, managerial economics and productivity aspects and includes new material on …
This text covers a wide range of subjects, reflecting the breadth of knowledge needed to understand the dynamics of this large and complex industry. This edition introduces extended coverage in the…
PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS employs a flexible approach with regard to the use of computer tools. Because the book is not tied to a particular software package, instruct…
Buku ini berisi pelajaran statistika probabilitas, diisi dengan pendahuluan untuk mengantarkan dan mengarahkan guna memahami konsep yang dibahas, diikuti penanaman konsep dan pendalaman konsep.
Buku ini membahas fondasi tahan gempa yang mengacu kepada SNI 03-2847-2002 dan SNI 03-1726-2002 yang disertai contoh perhitungan fondasi, baik fondasi dangkal maupun fondasi dalam, mulai dari penen…
Using a design-oriented approach that addresses geotechnical, structural, and construction aspects of foundation engineering, this book explores practical methods of designing structural foundation…
Strives to present in a logical manner the theoretical background needed for developing and explaining design requirements. Beginning with coverage of background material, including references to p…
Buku ini memadukan topik tradisional (rekayasa jalan, perencanaan transportasi) dengan topik non-traditional (ekonomi transportasi, tata guna lahan, energi, transportasi umum, manajemen sistem tran…
Buku ini memadukan topik tradisional (rekayasa jalan, perencanaan transportasi) dengan topik non-traditional (ekonomi transportasi, tata guna lahan, energi, transportasi umum, manajemen sistem tran…
Buku ini adalah buku yang membahas secara menyeluruh tentang perancangan struktur beton bertulang, sebagai salah satu material bangunan yang paling banyak digunakan dalam dunia konstruksi.
This text book is designed essentially to meet the requirements of an undergraduate textbook on Engineering Hydrology. The revised edition retains almost all the features of the earlier edition and…
Hidrologi Terapan menjelaskan berbagai metode dalam analisis hidrologi yang meliputi siklus hidrologi, imbangan air, hujan, penguapan, infiltasi, hidrometri, limpasan, analisis frekuensi, hujan ren…
Fully updated to reflect the significant changes that have occurred in the aviation industry, the new edition of this classic text offers definitive guidance on every aspect of planning, design, en…
Buku ini berupaya menjelaskan tata ruang air tanah (daerah CAT maupun daerah Non-CAT) yang diakaitkan dengan aspek-aspek pengelolaan sumber daya air yaitu konservasi sumber daya air, pendayagunaan …
Air merupakan sumber kehidupan. Semua makhluk membutuhkan air. Untuk kepentingan manusia, makhluk hidup lainnya dan kepentingan lainnya, ketersediaan air dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas mutlak …
This up-to-date book covers both theoretical and practical aspects of pavement analysis and design. It includes some of the latest developments in the field, and some very useful computer softwareâ…
As more factors, perspectives, and metrics are incorporated into the planning and building process, the roles of engineers and designers are increasingly being fused together. Sustainable Infrastru…
Instructors love Numerical Methods for Engineers because it makes teaching easy! Students love it because it is written for them--with clear explanations and examples throughout. The text features …
Traffic Engineering Handbook, Seventh Edition is a newly revised text that builds upon the reputation as the go-to source of essential traffic engineering solutions that this book has maintained fo…
Statistical Techniques for Transportation Engineering is written with a systematic approach in mind and covers a full range of data analysis topics, from the introductory level (basic probability, …
Before they begin their university studies, most students have experience with traffic signals, as drivers, pedestrians and bicycle riders. One of the tasks of the introductory course in transporta…
Develop a thorough understanding of the mechanics of materials - an essential area in mechanical, civil, and structural engineering -- with the analytical approach and problem-solving emphasis in t…
The seventh edition of Das, PRINCIPLES OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING offers an overview of soil properties and mechanics together with coverage of field practices and basic engineering procedure. PRI…
Kebutuhan dan keharusan mata kuliah Matematika Teknik untuk diajarkan di jurusan-jurusan Teknik di Perguruan Tinggi merupakan salah satu faktor yang ikut menentukan keberhasilan studi mahasiswa. Se…
Emphases on the empirical research basis of human factors, and covers basic concepts in the field of human factors and ergonomics. This book contains a chapter on motor skills, and chapters have be…
The Design of Everyday Things is a powerful primer on how--and why--some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them.
Evaluation of Human Work is a compendium of ergonomics methods and techniques that is both broad and deep. The editors have once again brought together a team of world-renowned experts and created …
An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering offers a descriptive, elementary introduction to geotechnical engineering with applications to civil engineering practice.
Revised to cover the 2009 International Building Code, Foundation Engineering Handbook, Second Edition presents basic geotechnical field and laboratory studies, such as subsurface exploration and l…
This handbook is updated for current standard specifications and codes (including the 1994 AASHTO specifications) and the latest design developments. This bookresource gives you not only up-to-the-…
Practical guidelines for the Ergonomic Design of Products and Facilities You'll find: Key Descisions to make at the conceptual design stage; Diagrams, charts and checklists; Data on cognitive skill…
This book provides a comprehensive description of the major methodologies of nonlinear finite element analysis for solid mechanics, as applied to continua and structures. Treatment of the subject i…
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, Second Edition offers a comprehensive and well-integrated presentation of the foundational principles of structural analysis. It presents a rigorous treatment o…
The third edition of Introduction to Ergonomics describes a representative selection of tools and demonstrates how to apply them in practice. In fully researched, stand alone sections with worked e…