Membuat sketsa dan menggambar figur model adalah mata rantai tak terpisahkan dari para profesional dan praktisi mode. Desainer fashion, image consultant, penata busana, fashion merchandiser, patter…
H-Point provides a unique and comprehensive introduction to advanced vehicle packaging and design. This book demystifies the automotive design process and allows designers access to an illustrious …
The latest instalment in the "Manufacturing Guides" series, this book is targeted at students and professionals who create graphics or packaging for mass production. With some 400 specially commiss…
This book presents the finest, boldest, and most eye-catching collection of package designs from around the world. The talented designers featured in these pages know what to look for, how to asses…
This book describes the whole design process from concept creation to production, including the all-important considerations of brand development and the designer's obligations and responsibilities…
Paul Temporal has written a remarkably insightful book on how to build strong brands. he addresses every issue in brand management with sound theories and marvelous examples. This is one of the bes…
Packaging Design: Successful Product Branding from Concept to Shelf is the most comprehensive resource of practical and professional information for creating packaging designs that serve as the mar…
A guide to branding on a tight budget. It helps you create a permanent marketing mindset for you and your team. It lets you walk away with hundreds of low-cost or no-cost ideas to catapult your bra…
Buku ini membahas mengenai merek yang dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh khas Indonesia.
This comprehensive textbook presents the reader with an exhaustive analysis of the scientific and paradigmatic approaches to the nature of brand as it has developed over the last twenty years. Taki…
The Fundamentals of Design Management introduces the interdisciplinary nature of the creative industries; the integrated nature of design management and the relationships between people; the basics…
UK Design lies between the worlds of culture and commerce, between passion and profit. Design is indeed a passion for things, offering methods that enable them to come into being. It follows that d…
productivity that has led to the database system becoming arguably the most important development in the field of software engineering. The database is now the underlying framework of the informati…
The history of database research over the past 30 years is one of exceptional productivity that has led to the database systems becoming arguably the most important development in the field of soft…
This book is aimed at students and illustrators who are looking to create artworks to fulfill a specific brief, as part of their course, job or career. It leads the reader through the whole thinkin…
During his career as one of America's most sought-after illustrators, Andrew Loomis (1889-1959) taught at the American Academy of Art in Chicago, and in 1939 he codified his lessons in his first ma…
A straight-to-the-point “everything-you-need-to-know” guide to the world of professional illustration for aspiring artists and recent art-school graduates—not only the technical essentials (t…
Created by one of Japan's most popular artists, this kit provides the instruction and tools needed for illustrating fun and appealing characters and elements that celebrate life. The author's speci…
The field of illustration has flourished over the last decade, with professionals working both by computer and by hand. In illustration, the single most challenging and captivating subject has been…
Sinopsis: Buku ini merupakan buku kedua yang dikembangkan dari “celotehan” Handry Satriago yang dibuatnya di media sosial Twitter sejak tahun 2011. Dalam buku ini, Handry membahas mengenai dua …
Buku ini memperkenalkan dunia grafika lebih jauh.
Fundamentals of Multimedia introduces all the important multimedia topics for students in computer science and engineering. The text presents an overview of the tools and taxonomy of multimedia aut…
Buku Panduan Aplikatif dan Solusi (PAS): Desain Kartun dan Karikatur ini membahas secara praktis dan tuntas berbagai hal yang berhubungan dengan proses pembuatan desain kartun dan karikatur. Materi…
Di dalam buku ini membahas secara detail bagaimana membuat kreasi manipulasi foto digital dengan pembahasan langkah demi langkah dan mudah tentang bagaimana mengolah sebuah foto yang semula biasa m…
Sesuai temanya "Creative Caricature" buku ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana melakukan manipulasi sebuah foto secara digital menjadi sebuah gambar karikatur. Dengan buku ini, sebuah foto akan diol…
Buku desain grafis komputer ini membahas mulai cara berpikir, motivasi desainer grafis, tips desain, pemilihan warna, penggunaan huruf / tipografi, trik software, tips visualisasi, komunikasi data …
Fundamental design principles will always remain the same, but the digital technology that can support them is evolving and affecting their application in a profound way. In this unique and timely …
Buku ini mengupas tips dan trik seputar CorelDRAW.
This practical guide is filled with tips and techniques specifically designed to create whole new worlds of visual ideas. Creatives from the fields of advertising, film, photography, computer anima…
By uniquely combining current concepts and practical applications in computer graphics, four well-known authors provide here the most comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date coverage of the fie…
Computer animation and graphics–once rare, complicated, and comparatively expensive–are now prevalent in everyday life from the computer screen to the movie screen. Interactive Computer Graphic…
Master techniques from top automotive designers and world-class game developers with this insider's guide to designing and modeling 3D vehicles. With techniques demonstrated in 3ds Max, Maya, XSI, …
this book is suitable for undergraduate students in computer science and engineering, for students in other disciplines who have good programming skills, and for professionals. Computer animation a…
if you're interested in being part of the booming field of multimedia, this beautifully illustrated volume shows you how. It's concept-to-product approach is highly visual: with stunning, full-colo…
Big data is big news! Every company, industry, not-for-profit, and government agency wants and needs to analyze and leverage datasets that can quickly become ponderously large. Data visualization s…
Sinopsis: Adobe InDesign merupakan software desktop publishing yang dimiliki oleh Adobe System. Software ini dapat digunakan untuk membuat poster, brosur, majalah, dan buku. Adobe InDesign merupaka…
Buku ini dibuat untuk menjawab berbagai hal yang ingin diketahui seorang desainer dalam manajemen proses pembuatan sebuah desain. Karenanya, naskah ini tidak hanya akan memberik berbagai contoh apl…
Anda ingin mengetahui apa yang terjadi dalam diri anda saat anda berkreasi, berpikir, belajar, berimajinasi, dan berapresiasi? buku ini mencoba menjelaskannya secara populer.
Semoga buku ini membawa kenangan manis dan menjadi pendorong bagi anak-anak saya untuk mencintai profesi menulis. Profesi yang satu ini bagaikan lahan garapan yang subur atau tambang yang tidak pe…
Berita di televisi merupakan salah satu acara yang sangat penting. Berita menjadi semacam ciri khas sebuah stasiun untuk menunjukkan keunggulannya dan mejadi ujung tombak untuk mengangkat image seb…
In this study, Falero explores how online communities of participatory audiences have helped to re-define authorship and audience in the digital age. Using over a decade of ethnographic research, D…