This volume is the final sequel to a series of three previous works on practical construction management: "Construction Company Organization and Management," "Construction Office Administration" an…
The planning of foundations for structures is more of an art than a science. The conditions at any particular site must be taken as they are the result of the processes of nature in the formation a…
Di dalam lapangan pekerjaan, baik pekerjaan sipil, pekerjaan mesin, pekerjaan electro, pekerjaan kapal, pesawat terbang, pertambangan maupun mekanisasi pertanian diperlukan teknik penyambungan baha…
sebelum dikeluarkan P.M.I. 1970 ini, di Indonesia berlaku beberapa lembar normalisasi mengenai muatan, yaitu terjemahan-terjemahan dari lembar-lembar normalisasi dalam bahasa Belanda, seperti NI 02…
The purpose of this textbook is to combine the principles of economics and engineering into an unified approach of solving civil engineering design, planning, and management problems. in the first …
Buku ini disusun sebagai kelanjutan atau kelengkapan dari buku Pondasi Tiang Pancang Jilid I, dimana beberapa masalah yang belum tercakup dalam buku Jilid I dicoba menyusunnya kembali dalam buku Po…
Buku ini kami susun untuk melengkapi literatur dalam bidang Teknik Sipil disamping untuk memberikan hand out kepada mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Sipil yang ingin mempelajari masalah-masalah Pondasi tia…
The great popularity this book has gained within a short time has called for a new German-English edition. As plates with concentrated loads or individual supports have increasingly to be dealt wit…
Design Procedure and construction practice-in applying engineering principles to wood-have been improved significantly in recent years. The improvements are more the result of experimentation and e…
Petunjuk-petunjuk yang diuraikan dalam buku ini adalah berdasarkan analisa dan pengalaman dari : A. percobaan-percobaan yang dilaksanakan sendiri oleh Dit. Espran B. Laporan-laporan pengujian da…
The practice of modern surveying is undergoing rapid change due to the availability of electronically controlled instruments, the widespread adoption of the Global Positioning System (GPS), and the…
Soil mechanics is an engineering science which has developed rapidly in recent years. its importance to engineers and builders is indicated by the fact that papers on the subject are now set in deg…
Keputusan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor : 378/KPTS/1987 tentang pengesahan 33 standar konstruksi bangunan Indonesia Menteri Pekerjaaan umum.
buku ini merupakan perbaikan dari edisi lama dalam bentuk cetak offset. adapun isinya tidak mengalami perubahan. dengan adanya perubahan cetak ini besar harapan penulis agar banyak mendapatkan manf…
Buku ini merupakan hasil usaha senat mahasiswa Teknik Sipil UNPAR yang mencerminkan kebutuhan akan pengetahuan metode elemen hingga (finite element methode) serta aplikasinya pada berbagai masalah …
Beginning with the pioneer efforts of terzaghi and others in the 1920s and 1930s, the design of foundations has become a highly developed field of specialization. an enormous amount of analytical a…
Buku ini merupakan perbaikan dari edisi lama yang diterbitkan dengan sistim cetak offset. Buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna tetapi penulis yakin buku ini dapat sedikit memberikan gambaran dari kese…
This handbook assembles in one volume a concise up-to-date treatment of the planning, design, and construction of a variety of engineered structures. It is intended to provide engineers, architects…
This book intended as an introduction to the theoritical soil mechanics for a large group of readers-graduate students in advanced soil mechanics courses on the master and doctoral levels, postgrad…
The science of soil mechanics began its rapid growth with the pioneering studies of Karl Terzaghi during the early part of this century. Terzaghi developed many of the theories of soil mechanics ou…
The second edition of the "handbook of Heavy Construction" reflects the best of construction practice in the Untied States, as of the date of its preparation. Its 47 contributing authors are expert…
Since the publication of the first edition of this book, the application of the theory of plates and shells in practice has widened considerably, and some new methods have been introduced into the …
This Publication is prepared an issued jointly by the Institution of Structural Engineers and the Cement and Concrete Association. It is for the guidance of those who are concerned with the constru…
The last complete revision of the Handbook was the sixteenth edition published in 1915. The Seventeenth edition, 1921, contained certain revised chapters. but much of the former edition was retaine…
Buku ini merupakan perbaikan dari edisi lama dalam bentuk cetak offset. Adapun isinya tidak mengalami perubahan, dengan adanya perubahan cetak ini besar harapan penulis agar banyak mendapatkan manf…
Buku ini ditujukan pertama-tama kepada saudara-saudara yang menaruh perhatian pada usaha mencari hasil dalam lapangan pemborongan. Dalam masa merdeka ini banyak diantara saudara-saudara yang beruba…
Dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan bangunan pelengkap jalan raya. terutama jembatan, dihadapi masalah pengendalian mutu. Belum adanya pedoman yang mengatur hal itu dapat menimbulkan persoalan-persoalan …
Adalah suatu kenyataan bahwa telah banyak ada jembatan type BALOK GABUNGAN (COMPOSITE BEAM TYPE) di Indonesia, baik balok gabungan yang benar maupun konstruksi yang menyerupai balok gabungan,
Pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan da nteknologi pada dewasa ini sangat berpengaruh pula terhadap sistim dan cara-cara pelaksanaan pembangunan dan pemeliharaan jalan di Indonesia. Hal ini mempu…
Direktorat penyeledikan masalah bangunan sejak tahun 1977 telah berusaha menyusun peraturan konstruksi baja yang memadai untuk dipakai sebagai pedoman. pada tahun itu telah dapat disiapkan konsep p…
Untuk melengkapi uraian buku, pelaksanaan pembangunan jalan terdahulu, maka kami merasa perlu menguraikan agak terperinci dari masing-masing macam pekerjaan sampai terbentuknya jalan itu.
Pada uraian buku-buku terdahulu kami telah menguraikan lapisan permukaan dari pemakaian aspal beton, dalam buku ini kita akan coba menguraikan pemakaian aspal Buton, ata kadang-kadang disebut denga…
Dalam buku ini dibicarakan beberapa bagian yang penting daripada ilmu Ukur Tanah, bagian-bagian yang merupakan dasar yang cukup untuk dapat melakukan pekerjaan ukur mengukur tanah, pekerjaan mana d…
This book presents the theoretical background as well as best practice examples of estimating in heavy construction. The examples stem from practitioners in international large-scale construction p…
This volume presents the first half of a diverse collection of chapters in the field of materials and infrastructures in transport systems, which illustrate the technological and methodological inn…
The leading green building reference, updated with the latest advances in the field Sustainable Construction is the leading reference for the design, construction, and operation of high performanc…
This book advocates a more thoughtful approach to urban water management. The approach involves reducing water consumption, harvesting rainwater, recycling rainwater and adopting Sustainable Draina…
The modelling tools for soils and rocks require more and more specific parameters not always available from the standard or usual survey campaigns, this generally for reasons of delay or costs. The…
Transport systems are facing an impossible dilemma: satisfy an increasing demand for mobility of people and goods, while decreasing their fossil-energy requirements and preserving the environment. …
The recommendations summarise the state of the art. Their aim is the proper exploitation of the ground for geothermal purposes without adversely affecting the ground or the groundwater on the one h…
The book covers the application of numerical methods to reinforced concrete structures. To analyze reinforced concrete structures linear elastic theories are inadequate because of cracking, bond an…
The repair, renovation and replacement of highway infrastructure, along with the provision of new highways, is a core element of civil engineering, so this book covers basic theory and practice in …
The definitive guide to bringing accuracy to measurement, updated and supplemented Adjustment Computations is the classic textbook for spatial information analysis and adjustment computations, pro…
This book includes recommendations prepared by members of the French Society for Trenchless Technology (FSTT), based on their recent national multi-year project. Comprehensive guidelines, technique…
With climate change, erosion, and human encroachment on coastal environments growing all over the world, it is increasingly important to protect populations and environments close to the sea from s…