Perkembangan komputer yang sangat cepat mengharuskan orang untuk lebih dari sekedar mampu menggunakannya. Untuk menguasai komputer, orang perlu memiliki pola pikir yang algoritmis dan terstruktur. …
Buku ini memberikan pemahaman tentang aplikasi mikrokontoler dan pemrogramannya. Beberapa contoh yang melibatkan berbagai komponen elektronika diulas di buku ini.
Peran public relations semakin diminati. Bahkan mereka yang baru saja terjun ke dunia profesi diwajibkan untuk memiliki keterampilan yang tinggi dan pengetahuan yang luas tentang PR. Buku ini memba…
“An ‘easy read’ filled with practical examples of how marketing professionals can leverage these new tools to enhance PR activities. The ‘Interviews with the Experts’ sections were especi…
About the book Operating under tight budget constraints and with an ever-increasing range of tools and technologies to choose from, PR professionals have never been under so much pressure to jus…
Buku ini membahas tentnag cara menjalin hubungan dengan komunitas dikaitkan dengan pelaksanaan konsep tanggung jawab sosial korporat.
Buku ini ditulis untuk mengembangkan keahlian profesional public relations, khususnya kehalian menulis. Jenis-jenis naskah tulisan yang biasa digunakan oleh praktisi untuk mengomunikasikan berbagai…
Secara spesifik, humas sangat diperlukan oleh berbagai organisasi, dunia usaha, bahkan teramat penting bagi negara. BUku ini sengaja dirancang untuk menjadi pegangan bagi para mahasiswa tapi juga s…
Jasa Public Relations belum termanfaatkan secara maksimal. Orang terlanjur menyederhanakan fungsinya. Padahal bila dimaksimalkan manfaatnya sangat besar bagi kepentingan organisasi, dunia usaha, te…
This is a practical guide to designing a data center from inception through construction. The fundamental design principles take a simple, flexible, and modular approach based on accurate, real-wor…
BCOM5 delivers a visually appealing, succinct print component, tear-out review cards for students and instructors and a consistent online offering with CourseMate that includes an eBook in addition…
This book presents a collection of original research papers focusing on emerging issues regarding the role of information and communication technologies in organizations, inter-organizational syste…
Ing. Markus Pierer M.Sc. proves whether or not there is a generic valid system comparison approach for various individual specifications facilitating the selection process for organizations. He ill…
The Business Communication field is at a crossroads as communication technologies are reshaping how people communicate in the workplace. Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked W…
A presentation of the complete design background of a CDMA handset, including hardware and software, digital, analogue and RF. It delivers an integral understanding of where this essential piece of…
This book delivers a comprehensive overview of the evolution of mobile radio access networks, focusing on high-level architectural issues that engineers and managers need to understand. The book hi…
The fourth edition of Madura and Fox's International Financial Management provides the ideal introduction to the study of interaction between firms of all sizes and global finance. Real life exampl…
"Bateman and Snell's Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World" is a text with a fully modernized functional approach. This text is maintaining the four traditional functions of …
"Marketing Management" brings together over 20 real-life case studies faced by leading international companies. This textbook is an invaluable resource for students of business and marketing, and i…
For undergraduates studying Marketing Management courses Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective, 6/E continues to showcase the excellent content that Kotler has created with examples and case s…
Strategic Management trains future business leaders to analyse a wide range business issues, apply appropriate concepts and successfully implement business strategy.
The sixteenth edition introduces new marketing students to the fascinating world of modern marketing in an innovative, complete, and authoritative. New content and poured over every page, table, f…
Incorporating the latest industry thinking and developments, this exploration of brands, brand equity, and strategic brand management combines a comprehensive theoretical foundation with numerous t…
This text is firmly established as the standard work on the subject of export management and practice. Overall, it is renowned internationally for its lucidity of complex issues. It gives particula…
GLOBAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT uses Harvard cases to examine the factors that affect marketing of goods and services worldwide. Emphasis is on marketing strategies of domestic marketers to internation…
Adopted internationally by business schools, MBA programmes and marketing practitioners alike, the "New Strategic Brand Management" is simply the reference source for senior strategists, positionin…
This text examines risk management in organizations, rather than personal insurance, and offers a balanced presentation of institutional and statistical material. The book provides a problem-solvin…
For undergraduate and MBA courses in Corporate Financial Management. Fundamentals of Financial Management is the route to understanding the financial decision-making process and to interpreting the…
Unlike any other MIS textbook franchise, our Baltzan texts (Business Driven Technology, Business Driven Information Systems and M: Information Systems) discuss various business initiatives first an…
How to measure human resources management is designed to help HR managers confidently measure all major personnel functions and make tough decisions. From hiring and staffing, to compensation and b…
The subjects covered in this book include those normally studied in an introductory overview course on construction management, and there is enough depth and added material to serve as the basis fo…
Ratusan pertanyaan yang tak berani Anda tanyakan pada dokter? Sebenarnya banyak orang yang ingin bertanya tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan dan kedokteran, tetapi tidak berani menan…
Dalam situasi persaingan yang semakin tajam dan mengglobal, estetika dapat berfungsi sebagai "perangkap emosional" yang sanga ampuh untuk menjaring konsumen. pertarungan produk tidak lagi terbartas…
Business Plan merupakan salah satu pedoman untuk memahami bisnis yang sedang atau akan anda jalankan. Freddy Rangkuti akan membantu anda menyusun rencana bisnis yang cermat, termasuk mengetahui str…
This book advocates an approach to doing business that focuses all of the resources of an organization on the continual and simultaneous improvement of quality and productivity. The purpose of this…
Transportasi berperanan penting dalam perekonomian. Semakin efisien sistem transportasi dan logistik, semakin besar daya saing ekonomi negara tersebut. Di antara sistem dan moda transportasi yang a…
Mengapa perkerasan jalan cepat rusak? Buku ini menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Pemeliharaan jalan tanpa pemahaman masalah kerusakan dan penanganannya, hanya akan membuang-buang biaya, tanpa menyelesa…
Kajian perilaku organisasi merupakan diskusi tentang pentingnya pemahaman terhadap apa yang terjadi pada diri individu didalam organisasi dan tentang apa faktor penyebab perilaku mereka. Secara ga…
New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century is about the process of getting a new venture started, growing the venture, successfully harvesting it, and starting again. The book pres…