Bayangkan, dalam hitungan 60 detik saja Anda sudah bisa melihat secara menyeluruh harga akan naik, turun, atau dalam keadaan sideways, dan trader sudah bisa melakuan posisi beli atau jual dengan di…
Metodologi penelitian adalah sekumpulan peraturan, kegiatan, dan prosedur yang digunakan oleh pelaku suatu disiplin ilmu. Metodologi juga merupakan analisis teoritis mengenai suatu cara atau metode…
Dalam buku 19 Jam Belajar Cepat Arduino dijelaskan mengenai dasar-dasar dalam menjalankan program Arduino, aplikasi sensor, wireless, SD/MMC, dan RFID. Selain itu, dalam buku ini juga disediakan CD…
Peran teknologi bioproses dalam bidang-bidang farmasi, energi, kedokteran, pertanian, maupun pengolahan limbah berbahaya (bioremediasi) merupakan peluang yang bisa dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebut…
Saat ini data merupakan sesuatu yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dalam kehidupan kita. Dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi dan informasi, data dari berbagai sumber menjadi mudah untuk didapatkan dan dim…
Buku ini akan diajak untuk mencermati komoditas tembakau Na-Oogst yang merupakan salah satu komoditas andalan ekspor yang memberikan sumbangan devisi cukup besar ditinjau dari perspektif ekonomi. B…
Buku ini menyajikan metodologi studi tokoh dan berbagai aspek yang berkaitan dengan penulisan biografi. Dirumuskan dalam karya buku yang utuh, tidak parsial, dan detail langkah demi tangkah yang di…
Penyusunan buku Keuangan Internasional ini dilakukan dengan memperhatikan berbagai aspek dan keterkaitan serta pengaruh fluktuasi kurs valas atau forex exchange rate baik secara macro finance dan m…
"Investments and Portfolio Management" sets the standard for graduate/MBA investments textbooks. Its unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient, meaning that most securities are p…
An exploration of strategic brand leadership uses hundreds of studies of leading firms, including General Electric, to show the strategic potential of brand management in a world-based economy.
These quick reads, based on McGraw-Hill bestsellers, are designed to meet the needs of busy people. Titles in the series focus on each book's main themes and action ideas, reduced to a manageable p…
Era orientasi pelanggan segera berganti dengan era orientasi lingkungan, demikian pula dunia usaha mulai memfokuskan bisnis mereka agar siap bersaing di era orientasi lingkungan. Salah satu yang wa…
"Electronic Commerce "provides a thorough explanation of what EC is, how it's being conducted and managed, and how to assess its major opportunities, limitations, issues, and risks-all in the socia…
This book introduces the concepts of Resilience-Based Design (RBD) as an extension of Performance-Based Design. It provides readers with a range of cutting-edge methodologies for evaluating resilie…
Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, by Blocher/Stout/Juras/Smith is dedicated to answering the question: Why Cost Management? It answers this question by providing cost-management tools and tech…
Business is simple and basic but made unnecessary complicated, so get back to basics What causes complexity to rear its ugly head? Formal business training is one of the culprits. If this is not e…
these are unabridged paperback reprints of estabilished titles widely used by universities throughout the world prentice-Hall International
This book giving students a solid understanding of financial derivatives and their use in managing the risks of financial decisions. This book offers an outstanding blend of institutional material,…
This book offers real life examples drawn from a global range of organisations, it is one of the world's leading organizational behaviour texts because its content and organization consistently re…
The Sixteenth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most current recent research for Organizational Behavior, while maintaining its hallmark features -clear writing style, cutting-edge…
This book is intended for those students, giving them a wealth of text, readings, exercises and cases allowing them to experience and understand organisational behaviour and its importance to them …
The 2012 release of Microsoft SQL Server changes how you develop applications for SQL Server. With this comprehensive resource, SQL Server authority Robert Vieira presents the fundamentals of datab…
r 2005 improve an already great database management system. This book shows you how to put it to work in a hurry. You'll find out how to use the SQL Server Management Studio and the SQLCMD utility …
This dangerously simple maxim of organisational dysfunction, first spelt out more than twenty-five years ago, has wormed its way into everyday managerial vocabulary.
It is well recognized that succeeding at innovation is fundamental in today's hyper-competitive global marketplace. It is the only way to outperform current and emerging competitors sustainably. Bu…
How do you lead a team scattered across the globe? How do you keep members you can't see organized, communicative, and productive? In this book, you?ll find valuable advice on forming virtual teams…
Concise yet comprehensive, this practical, campaign-oriented guide follows the logical progression.
A variety of case studies balanced with textual material, providing a foundation for understanding control systems and how they work. The text is organized to develop insights and analytical skills…
Illustrates how managers apply theories and techniques to solve real-world problems while teaching future business leaders how to think analytically and make better decisions.
Learn how to maximize a firm's potential through identifying and keeping your ideal workforce. The eleventh edition seeks to introduce students to the world of human resource management. Today's hu…
"Managing Human Resources" covers all aspects of human resource management and its impact on both individuals and organizations. The text not only builds on a foundation of research and theory but …
Leaders are no strangers to challenges; in recent years, businesses have experienced unprecedented layoffs, dismal sales, dwindling retirement accounts, and the bankruptcy of once-heralded institut…
The strength of any organization is determined by the quality of its managers. What they do and how they do it is the key determinant of corporate success. Want to become invaluable to your company…