This extensive revision and reorganization of first published Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Earth Structures presents a condensed coverage of the entire field, incorporating more than two decades…
The purpose of this textbook is to provide material for an introductory course in which the fundamentals of formulating conventional methods of structural analysis in matrix notations are developed…
Corrosion prevention is an essential factor in the economic utilization of steel. Provision of the appropriate protective coating in bring initial savings plus substantial economies in service, and…
The information presented in this publication has been prepared in accordance with recognized rengineering principles and is for general information only. While it is believed to be accurate, this …
Fondasi merupakan konstruksi di bagian paling bawah suatu bangunan sehingga sering disebut kontruksi bawah. Fondasi yang merupakan bagian konstruksi bangunan berfungsi menahan beban bangunan dan ke…
Teori gradasi atau susunan butir ini dalam bentuk yang masih sederhana (berupa prinsip-prinsip saja) telah diterbitkan oleh Badan Penerbitan Pekerjaan Umum dalam bentuk stensilan guna melengkapi bu…
Bila seseorang akan membuat suatu bangunan, maka perlu dibuat suatu "perjanjian" yang disetujui bersama antara si pemilik bangunan yang disebut juga Bouhwheer atau Principal, dengan yang akan melak…
Buku ini berisi pengetahuan dasar tentang ilmu tanah berdasarkan kaca mata ilmu teknik sipil yang biasa disebut mekanika tanah. Pemahaman tentang mekanika tanah sangat penting untuk perencanaan ban…
Biaya perlu diperhitungkan secara matang sebelum membangun atau merenovasi sebuah rumah. Tanpa perhitungan biaya yang baik, pembangunan dapat terhenti akibat kekurangan dana. Dalam membuat Rencana …
Pada bulan maret 1982 diadakan seminar rancangan peraturan perencanaan tahan gempa Indonesia untuk gedung yang diselenggarakan bersama oleh Direktorat Penyeledikan Masalah Bangunan yang sekarang m…
Metode Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi dan Proses Penawaran membahas seputar jenis-jenis metode pengadaan, mulai dari metode pengadaan tradisional, metode pengadaan terpisah hingga metode pengadaan terin…
Rencana Pemerintah Indonesia untuk membangun Jembatan Selat Sunda (JSS), menuai perbincangan masyarakat Indonesia maupun ahli-ahli negara lain dalam satu dekade terakhir ini. Mengapa JSS begitu men…
Unmanned Aircraft Systems delivers a much needed introduction to UAV System technology, taking an integrated approach that avoids compartmentalising the subject. Arranged in four sections, parts 1-…
Buku Belajar Mandiri Membuat Struktur Rumah Dua Lantai dengan SAP 2000 ini menyajikan pembahasan analisis struktur bangunan rumah sederhana. Contoh kasus analisisnya, antara lain dari pembebanan at…
This thorough update of a well-established textbook covers a core subject taught on every civil engineering course. Now expanded to cover environmental hydraulics and engineering hydrology, it has …
This handbook is explains general principles and practice and details current types of pile, piling equipment and methods. It includes calculations of the resistance of piles to compressive loads, …
Bangunan tidak didirikan tanpa perencanaan, melainkan pertama-tama harus dipresentasikan dalam rencana dan gambar-gambar konstruksi. Sesuai aturan, tahapan pertama meliputi presentasi bebas seperti…
Ecologically-sensitive building and landscape design is a broad, intrinsically interdisciplinary field. Existing books independently cover narrow aspects of ecological design in depth (hydrology, …
Buku ini menarik untuk dibaca, membicarakan bagaimana mengontrol Arduino menggunakan teknologi berbasis Internet. Dengan mengikuti bahasan dan contoh-contoh yang diberikan, siapa saja dengan mudah …
The Future Development in CIvil Engineering Based of Research and Practical Experience
This third edition maintains the same content and structure as previous editions, but updates the material and references to reflect recent developments in the field. The book has been substantiall…
This book adding a comprehensive course management system, Wiley Plus, to the text, including an e-text, homework management, animations of concepts, and additional teaching and learning resources.…
Water-Resources Engineering provides comprehensive coverage of hydraulics, hydrology, and water-resources planning and management. Presented from first principles, the material is rigorous, relevan…
Fifth Edition introduces the principles and techniques of basic site engineering for grading, drainage, earthwork, and road alignment. This new edition expands its coverage of such current topics …
This text/software package explores the structural analysis and design of highway pavements - focusing on the mechanistic-empirical design procedures rather than the purely empirical methods. Prese…
This book offers single-volume coverage of all major topics in structural analysis and design. Discussing concepts from both an engineering and architectural perspective, it explores structural beh…
Over the past 50 years, Meriam & Kraige's Engineering Mechanics: Statics has established a highly respected tradition of excellence--a tradition that emphasizes accuracy, rigor, clarity, and applic…
Today, drones are increasingly used for commercial and private enthusiast use, as well as for well-documented military operations. There is now a wide variety of 'ready-to-fly' drones and self-buil…
Teks ini menyuguhi anda tur yang inspiratif dan instruktif ke hampir semua inovasi dalam industri ini. Referensi kerja terkini yang dapat berfungsi sebagai sumber ide ini akan membantu mengintegras…
Buku ini memberikan pemahaman tentang aplikasi mikrokontoler dan pemrogramannya. Beberapa contoh yang melibatkan berbagai komponen elektronika diulas di buku ini.
This is a practical guide to designing a data center from inception through construction. The fundamental design principles take a simple, flexible, and modular approach based on accurate, real-wor…
A presentation of the complete design background of a CDMA handset, including hardware and software, digital, analogue and RF. It delivers an integral understanding of where this essential piece of…
This book delivers a comprehensive overview of the evolution of mobile radio access networks, focusing on high-level architectural issues that engineers and managers need to understand. The book hi…
The subjects covered in this book include those normally studied in an introductory overview course on construction management, and there is enough depth and added material to serve as the basis fo…