Pokok bahasan yang disajikan dalam buku Seri Kupas Tuntas Microsoft Access 2016 ini meliputi: • Mengenal program MS-Access • Membuat Database • Mengolah Objek Tabel • Membuat dan mengat…
Kekuatan material (strength of materials) mempelajari bahan kaitannya dengan gaya luar yang bekerja dan pengaruhnya terhadap pemilihan bahan, merupakan mata kuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa di Jurusan T…
Have you always wanted to learn computer programming but are afraid it'll be too difficult for you? Or perhaps you know other programming languages but are interested in learning the Python languag…
If you are an engineer, a researcher, or a hobbyist, and you are interested in robotics and want to build your own robot, this book is for you. This book will prove equally useful for both students…
Artificial intelligence (AI) dan machine learning saat ini kembali memasuki fase booming setelah beberapa dekade mengalami pasang surut. Kecerdasan Buatan kembali digandrungi, dimana penerapannya …
Buku ini memberikan penjelasan tentang dasar-dasar logika, algoritma serta pemrograman komputer. Pada setiap contoh algoritma penyelesaian masalah selalu disertai dengan contoh implementasinya pada…
Algoritma merupakan landasan penting yang harus dikuasai oleh siapa pun yang ingin belajar membuat program. Algoritma merupakan kerangka dasar untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang akan dilaksanaka…
Selain dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan berbagai macam bentuk pekerjaan desain animasi 2D, ADOBE FLASH juga bisa dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan animasi web. Buku ini akan menjelaskan teknik pembuatan ani…
Di Abad 21 ini teknologi jaringan komputer mampu menjangkau seluruh dunia. Sejak memasyarakatnya internet, menghubungkan beberapa komputer maupun server dengan sebuah jaringan dari jenis LAN sampai…
Dalam pembuatan sebuah program tidak cukup hanya memahami maksud instruksi-instruksi atau fungsi-fungsi yang terdapat dalam suatu bahasa pemrograman. Lebih dari itu yang harus dikuasai adalah bagai…
Buku ini membahas tentang cara memanfaatkan teknik-teknik dasar untuk pengelolaan data yang terkait dengan struktur data seperti Stack, Queue, Linked List, Tree dan Graph, dalam membangun suatu apl…
Principles of Real Estate Practice is a modern learning tool for the student preparing to enter the real estate business as a licensed professional. The textbook contains the essentials of real est…
Real estate has always been one of the more interesting topics to discuss. The age of consumerism has changed the real estate business forever. There are important consumer protection statutes in e…
This book shows you how to invest profitably, safely, and reliably as you navigate the risks and opportunities of today’s property market. It covers all the topics investors need to master, inclu…
The Timeless Way of Building is the introductory volume in the Center for Environmental Structure series, Christopher Alexander presents in it a new theory of architecture, building, and planning w…
Brought together for the first time - the seminal writing on architecture by key philosophers and cultural theorist of the twentieth century. Issues around the built environment are increasingly c…
This brand-new edition combines a thorough primer on construction theory with practical, field-tested solutions for all the landscaping projects you're likely to encounter. It contains more step-by…
The second and revised edition of this handbook offers a practical systematic overview of the many uses of earth and techniques for processing it. Its properties and physical characteristics are de…
Jonathan Glancey conducts an inspiring journey through 5,000 years of magnificent buildings, from ancient Sumeria to the spectacular glass-and-steel towers of today's cityscapes. This title present…
The study and practice of architecture demands a working command of architectural drawing as a means of graphic communication. This book documents the step-by-step evolution of a complete set of wo…
This volume includes work built and unbuilt, large-scale and small, designed by the firm throughout the 1990s. Two important themes -- identified by Paul Goldberger in his perceptive introductory e…
Introducing a basis for design that transcends fixed notions of style and emerging technologies, this book emphasizes feeling, moving and the experiential. Since the book's initial publication in 2…
A classic text, first published in 1941, translated into half a dozen languages, and now in a fifth edition, this is an unparalleled work on the shaping of our architectural environment.
Ando’s complete works from 1975 to 2014 Philippe Starck describes him as a “mystic in a country which is no longer mystic.” Philip Drew calls his buildings “land art” as they “strugg…
Arsitektur dalam wujud bangunan maupun penataan kawasan perkotaan adalah salah satu benda yang paling sering terlibat erat pada pembentukan identitas nasional. Salah satu keunggulan dari arsitektur…
The Las Vegas Strip has impersonated the Wild West, with saloon doors and wagon wheels; it has decked itself out in midcentury modern sleekness. It has illuminated itself with twenty-story-high neo…
How do external material environments and the inner world of emotion, memory and imagination influence each other? In this thought-provoking book, Jane Rendell explores how architectural space regi…
In architectural terms, the twentieth century can be largely summed up with two names: Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson. Wright (1867–1959) began it with his romantic prairie style; Johnson …
The Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius declared firmitas, utilitas, and venustas - firmness, commodity, and delight - to be the three essential attributes of architecture. These qualities are b…
Java SOA Cookbook offers practical solutions and advice to programmers charged with implementing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) in their organization. Instead of providing another conceptual…
Filling a gap in existing literature on sustainable design, this new guide introduces and illustrates sustainable design principles through detailed case studies of sustainable buildings in Europe,…
As any builder knows, cost estimation and reality are often two very different things. The Green Building Bottom Line makes the case for green building by providing the insights and data that demon…
What is the role of design research in the types of insight and knowledge that architects create? That is the central question raised by this book. It acts as the introductory overview for Ashgate…
Ecological rethinking and sustainable building concepts have become important topics in contemporary architecture. The use of renewable resources and the intention to build in harmony with nature a…
SCDA Architects II is a new monograph of SCDA Architects continues the exploration of the work of Malaysian-born Soo Chan which first began in The Master Architect Series VI. Soo Chan''s designs ar…
“Becoming an Architect will inspire future architects, career consultants, and human resources professionals alike, providing all the information you’ll need to make intelligent decisions about…
Buku ini menghadirkan sebelas rumah rancangan arsitek terkemuka Indonesia yang menerapkan prinsip ekologis dalam desainnya. Prinsip ekologis, yang sangat bervariasi mulai pemilihan material hingga …
Persoalan yang melibatkan model matematika banyak muncul dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu pengetahuan, seperti dalam bidang fisika, kimia, ekonomi, atau pada persoalan rekayasa (engineering), seperti T…
Buku ini membahas teori dan penerapan metode numerik dalam masalah rekayasa sipil, beserta terapannya dibidang sub-disiplin ilmu rekayasa sipil.
Buku ini membahas tentang metode numerik yang digunakan dalam mencari solusi yang selalu dalam bentuk angka. Disertakan dengan banyak contoh penggunaan program komputer untuk menyelesaikan persoala…
Era industri 4.0 dengan pilar utama, yaitu Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, artificial intelligence, dan big data telah memproduksi banyak sekali data. Penumpukan data tersebut akan menja…
Text Mining merupakan proses ekstraksi pola dari sejumlah besar sumber data tak terstruktur. Penambangan teks ini menggunakan proses yang sama dengan penambangan data, namun memiliki masukan yang b…
Jumlah transaksi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan atau instansi yang melakukan transaksi kerja semakin banyak dari waktu ke waktu. Lalu, apa yang harus perusahaan lakukan terhadap data-data transaksi…
Data Mining sebagai salah satu cabang ilmu komputer yang relatif baru mempunyai potensi pengembangan yang sangat besar, karena data menyangkut langsung pada sebuah sistem aplikasi. Data mining send…
Like the first edition, this book explores concepts and techniques for the discovery of patterns hidden in large data sets, focusing on issues relating to their feasibility, usefulness, effectivene…
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques offers a thorough grounding in machine learning concepts as well as practical advice on applying machine learning tools and techniques in real-world …
Data analysts at information-intensive business are frequently asked to analyze new data sets that are often dirty-composed of numerous tables possessing unknown properties. Prior to analysis, this…