This volume captures the domestication of mobile communication technologies by families in Asia, and its implications for family interactions and relationships. It showcases research on families ac…
This book showcases an interdisciplinary and comprehensive study of the issues related to communication in corporate environments. Including perspectives from psychology, sociology and management s…
Tells why mass marketing no longer works--and shows how integrated communications programs can respond to each customer.
Roland Barthes is best known as a semiologist, a student of the science of signs. This sees human beings primarily as communicating animals. It looks at the way they use language, clothes, gestures…
Managing Corporate Social Responsibility offers a strategic, communication-centred approach to integrating CSR into organizations. Drawing from a variety of disciplines and written in a highly acce…
A communications expert and writer for reveals the presentation secrets of Steve Jobs, the world's most innovative, influential, and inspiring presenter to help readers deliver ama…
Quantitative Research Methods for Communication: A Hands-On Approach, Second Edition, is a comprehensive and engaging guide to quantitative research. Drawing on their extensive research and teachin…
What is the distinction between `Hot' and `Cool' Media? Who is `The Gadget Lover'? When Understanding Media was first published in 1964, it was immediately recognised as a brilliant and revolutiona…
This edition offers a fresh perspective on human communication that reflects the most recent advances in theory and research. Readers are invited to participate in a journey through classic and con…
Perspective on Philosophy of Communication provides readers with an appreciation of philosophy of communication as central to understanding and guiding communicative action in a postmodern culture.…
Argumentasi yang efektif adalah di jantung komunikasi - dan buku ini menunjukkan, adalah komponen kunci untuk memahami dan melakukan penelitian komunikasi. Menggunakan jelas, jargon-bebas bahasa, c…
ON COMMUNICATION explores the genealogy of communication, examining how and why we talk about communication the way we do. The goal of the book is to unveil in a succinct manner the linguistic reso…
From high-level business negotiations to casual conversations among friends, every interpersonal interaction is shaped by cultural norms and expectations. Seldom is this more clearly brought to lig…
Written for the introductory communication course, Communication Works presents communication principles, interpersonal communication, group communication, and public speaking in an engaging and hi…
Visual communication is just as important as verbal communication, if not more so. VISUAL COMMUNICATION: IMAGES WITH MESSAGES, 5E, shows you how visual perception is used in all forms of communicat…
Combining the most recent research findings with practical tools students need to become productive group members, this leading text covers secondary groups of all kinds: work groups, committees, t…
The Handbook of Communication Ethics serves as a comprehensive guide to the study of communication and ethics. It brings together analyses and applications based on recognized ethical theories as w…
RProvides one of the most up-to-date and accurate overviews of wireless principles, technology, and application. It is ideal for courses in wireless networking, wireless communications, wireless da…
Membaca buku ini, bagi wartawan yang telah mengikuti UKW tentulah akan menyegarkan kembali pemahaman akan UKW. Buku ini berisikan tulisan para wartawan PWI yang memaparkan pengalaman mengikuti UKW,…
Buku ini bukan tentang teori menulis. Semua orang sudah bisa menulis (seperti halnya semua orang bisa naik sepeda). Tapi, pengalaman kerja di TEMPO membuahkan satu hal penting: kemampuan menulis ha…
Konflik berlatar agama di Ambon diperpuruk oleh orang-orang yang bersembunyi di balik pena dan mikropon untuk memanaskan situasi.
Bila pada buku Gado-gado Sang Jurnalis : Rundown Wartawan Ecek-ecek lebih banyak mengumbar sisi penyuntikan inspirasi, motivasi, dan dunia aplikatif, maka pada buku ini, berbagai pijakan pemikiran …
Era 2000-an awal, konsep “literary journalism” atau “jurnalisme sastrawi” sempat kembali digaungkan Andreas Harsono dan kawan-kawannya tatkala menerbitkan majalah “Pantau” yang diterbit…
Kumpulan karya jurnalis mengenai perubahan iklim di Indonesia.
Buku ini mencoba menguraikan bagaimana kerja jurnalis elektronik yang baik dapat dilakukan. Selain uraian mendetail mengenai penerapan jenis-jenis berita dan penjelasan masalah hangat ke dalam lin…
Pesatnya perkembangan industri pertelevisian di tanah air pada gilirannya memompa kebutuhan terhadap sumber daya manusia yang berketerampilan dan berkinerja tinggi serta memiliki pengetahuan yang m…
Seorang reporter ingin agar reportase yang ia sampaikan dapat diterima dan dimengerti, maka ia harus mengetahui watak media yang digunakan, bahasa dan kondisi pendengar atau pembaca. Dalam buku ini…
The Encyclopedia of Public Relations explores the evolution of the Public Relations field, with examples from history describing events, changing practices, and the key figures who developed and ex…
When initially published in 2005, the two-volume Encyclopedia of Public Relations was the first and most authoritative compilation of the subject. It remains the sole reference source for any libra…
When initially published in 2005, the two-volume Encyclopedia of Public Relations was the first and most authoritative compilation of the subject. It remains the sole reference source for any libra…
Jennifer Berz explores the employment of social media tools for brand management purposes with regard to serialised television brands. Drawing upon an extensive literature review of the research fi…
For courses in Introductory Public Relations. Cutlip & Center offers students the gold standard in public relations, providing the most up-to-date reference in the market. In the new edition, Glen …
The leading introduction to public relations has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect best contemporary practice in this increasingly influential profession.
Praise and Reviews `clear, cogent, sound and practical` IPR JOURNAL ` a solid grounding in the writing requirements of the PR business` WRITING MAGAZINE `A hands on practical guide to writi…
Salah satu strategi kerja PR kontemporer adalah dengan memanfaatkan keberadaan media Cyber Public Relations, yakni pendekatan cara kerja PR dengan menggunakan teknologi internet sebagai penunjang k…
Lobi dan negosiasi merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari komunikasi, terutama komunikasi kemasyarakatan dan komunikasi bisnis. Sebagai bagian dari kegiatan komunikasi kemasyarakatan dan komuni…
Buku ini memberikan pemahaman mengenai prinsip-prinsip yang mendasari praktik public relations dengan memberi pandangan tentang kemungkinan penggunaan media komunikasi yang baru dan media lama yang…
Buku ini menempatkan keterampilan menylis dalam konteks PR. Selain membahas aspek praktis, dibahas pula aspek teoretis. Dengan demikian, selain menguasai keterampilan menulis juga ada pemahaman yan…
Buku ini memuat diskusi yang cukup intensif tentang peran public relations dalam membangun dan mendukung sebuah strategi manajemen. Buku ini juga menghubungkan model dan teori strategi manajemen de…
For undergraduate and graduate courses in Public Relations. Written by two of the most respected individuals in the field, Public Relations Practices, 7/e, presents timeless case studies to help fu…
This work combines the approach of a trade book with the fundamental principles and theories of public relations to provide readers with the essential techniques needed to write with understanding …
For courses in Introduction to Public Relations and Public Relations Practice, offered by Communications, Marketing, or Journalism departments. Unlike other PR texts that steer clear of high profil…
Clearly explains the basic concepts, strategies, and tactics of today's public relations practice Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics uses real-world case studies and examples to explain the b…
This book is the final product of the "excellence project"--a comprehensive research effort commissioned by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Research Foundation. Going…