In the mediated digital era, communication is changing fast and eating up ever greater shares of real-world power. Corporate battles and guerrilla wars are fought on Twitter. Facebook is the new Be…
Television Studies provides an overview of the origins, central ideas, and intellectual traditions of this exciting field. What have been the primary areas of inquiry in television studies? Why …
The first edition of Making is Connecting struck a chord with crafters, YouTubers, makers, music producers, artists and coders alike. David Gauntlett argues that through making things, people engag…
Search engines have become a key part of our everyday lives. Yet there is growing concern with how algorithms, which run just beneath the surface of our interactions online, are affecting society. …
Studies of race and media are dominated by textual approaches that explore the politics of representation. But there is little understanding of how and why representations of race in the media take…
Twitter is a household name, discussed for its role in prominent national elections, natural disasters, and political movements, as well as for what some malign as narcissistic chatter . The first …
Mediated Intimacy looks at contemporary sex and relationship advice, exploring how our intimate lives are shaped through different media, from manuals and magazines to television and Twitter. By ex…
Corporate communication plays an important role in higher-level management to help build and preserve a company’s reputation. This intangible yet valuable asset determines the net worth of a comp…
This book is about the rise of digital labor. Companies like Uber and Amazon Mechanical Turk promise autonomy, choice, and flexibility. One of network culture's toughest critics, Trebor Scholz chro…
A collection of case studies from nonwestern countries that offers an analysis of the significant role culture plays in crisis communication Culture and Crisis Communication presents an examin…
A new industrial revolution. The age of making. From bits to atoms. Many people are excited by the possibilities offered by new fabrication technologies like 3D printers, and the way in which they …
Communications and Mobility is a unique, interdisciplinary look at mobility, territory, communication, and transport in the 21st century with extended case studies of three icons of this era: the m…
In this exciting new book Angela McRobbie charts the ‘euphoric’ moment of the new creative economy, as it rose to prominence in the UK during the Blair years, and considers it from the perspect…
How to communicate with the citizens of the future? Why does public sector communication often fail? Public Sector Communication combines practical examples from around the world with the latest th…
In an interactive and densely connected world, transnational communication has become a central feature of everyday life. Taking account of a variety of media formats and different regions of the w…
On-Camera Coach is your personal coach for becoming great on camera. From Skype interviews and virtual conferences to shareholder presentations and television appearances, this book shows you how t…
Project self-assurance when speaking-even if you don't feel confident! When you speak in public, your reputation is at stake. Whether you're speaking at a conference, pitching for new business…
How do the communication practices of governments, NGOs and social movements enhance opportunities for citizen-led change?In this incisive book, Thomas Tufte makes a call for a fundamental rethinki…
What Journalism Could Be asks readers to reimagine the news by embracing a conceptual prism long championed by one of journalism's leading contemporary scholars. A former reporter, media critic and…
The public, James Carey famously wrote, is the god-term of journalism, the term without which the entire enterprise fails to make sense. In the last thirty years, scholars have made great progress …
From selfies and memes to hashtags and parodies, social media are used for mundane and personal expressions of political commentary, engagement, and participation. The coverage of politics reflects…
A comprehensive guide to essential theories and practices of change creation and implementation Organizational Change provides an essential overview to implementing deliberate and focused chan…
Provides a foundation for understanding a range of linguistic, cultural, and technological factors to effectively practice international communication in a variety of professional communication are…
Cutlip & Center offers students the gold standard in public relations, providing the most up-to-date reference in the market. Divided into 4 parts—Each part builds on the previous giving stude…
Packed with current research and examples, bestselling COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CULTURES, 9E equips students with a deep understanding and appreciation of different cultures while helping them develop…
Buku yang ditulis oleh public speaker berpengalaman ini menyuguhkan teknik-teknik praktis untuk menjadi presenter andal. Di dalamnya anda akan menjumpai, antara lain, teknik: mempersiapkan presenta…
Buku ini menunjukkan para pendidik cara supaya terampil berkomunikasi. Di sini, dipaparkan seluruh syarat dan dasar public speaking yang disesuaikan dengan profesi guru.
Dengan lugas dan mudah dipahami, buku ini mengulas segala selukbeluk tentang ilmu public speaking, termasuk kekuatan public speaking yang akan membuat Anda mencapai kesuksesan.
Pernahkah anda merasa gugup, grogi, cemas, berkeringat dingin, badan gemetar atau tubuh terasa kaku saat berbicara di depan banyak orang? Public Speaking atau berbicara di depan umum bagi sebagian …
Semua bermula dari serial televisi The Andros Target (1977). Serial film yang ditayangkan TVRI pada era 1970-an itu memberikan kesan mendalam dan sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupan sang penulis buk…
kemampuan pidato dan mc sebenarnya bukan hanya soal keberanian ngomong didepan umum. mereka memerlukan desain seni yang memukau dan memikat agar dapat menikmati audiens. buku ini mengajak untuk mem…
Arus globalisasi yang disertai perkembangan teknologi telah mengantarkan dunia untuk memasuki era Revolusi Industri 4.0 dengan fenomena disruptive innovation. Era baru ini ditandai dengan berkemban…
Mengapa pemimpin organisasi kelembagaan membutuhkan strategi komunikasi? Lalu, apa hubungannya dengan visi dan misi yang terwujud dengan efektif dan efisien? Untuk mempelajarinya terkadang kajia…
Pendidikan konsumen adalah penerapan konsep pendidikan di dalam bidang berkonsumsi dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan keterampilan dalam mengambil keputusan yang bijaksana dan bertanggu…
Buku ini disusun ke dalam 6 bagian : * Aspek dasar dari kepemimpinan yang melayani. * Menyoroti beberapa pandangan berbeda dari pemimpin yang melayani * Berfokus pada apa yang telah dipelajari or…
"Sangatlah jarang wartawan atau praktisi media massa di Indonesia yang menulis buku tentang jurnalistik. Makanya. Ketika ada seorang jurnalis yang menulis buku jurnalistik itu special dan pasti men…
Buku ini membahas secara mendalam dari sistematis tiga pilar utama kesuksesan media penyiaran: program, Pemasaran, dan Teknik.
Media digital menawarkanbanyak cara menarik untuk menyampaikan cerita : kombinasi liputan dan kurasi, liputan panjang dengan alat multimedia seperti video, infografik dan timeline interaktif, serta…
Pembaca buku ini bisa jadi bertanya-tanya, mengapa buku ini ditulis? Bukankah masih banyak buku-buku pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi? Apa yang menjadi keunggulan buku ini? Sebelum Anda membuka bab-bab se…
pengertian dan pembentukan opini publik, karakteristik, bentuk dan sifat serta potensi dan kompetensi opini publik, selain itu mata kuliah ini juga membahas tentang prinsip-prinsip opini publik dit…
Jurnalisme lingkungan, meskipun diakui sebagai "spesialisasi" baru, tetaplah jurnalisme yang mesti bertolak dari etika baku di dalam jurnalistik. Ini dapat dilihat sebagai usaha menyampaikan seruan…
Era orientasi pelanggan segera berganti dengan era orientasi lingkungan, demikian pula dunia usaha mulai memfokuskan bisnis mereka agar siap bersaing di era orientasi lingkungan. Salah satu yang wa…