Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi yang kian pesat saat ini menjadi sebuah keniscayaan. Menghalangi atau menghilangkannya tentu tidak mungkin, yang bisa dilakukan adalah mengurangi dampak buruk sert…
Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan memberikan gambaran kepada masyarakat pada umumnya dan mahasiswa teknologi informasi pada khususnya tentang profesi di bidang teknologi dengan memaparkan hal-hal terk…
Buku ini memaparkan bagaimana Komunikasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan harus dilakukan, sejak menyusun konsep, strategi hingga eksekusinya. Inilah yang membedakan buku ini dengan buku-buku lain terkait…
Cukup sering kita mendengar bahwa produk-produk luar negeri gagal disukai oleh konnsumen Indonesia. Atau sebaliknya ada yang justru sebaliknya hanya laku di Indonesia, sementara dinegara lain gagal…
Budaya Organisasi adalah merupakan filosofi dasar organisasi yang membuat keyakinan, norma-norma, dan nilai-nilai bersama yang menjadi karakteristik inti tentang bagaimana cara melakukan sesuatu da…
“Etika penyiaran bisa diartikan sebagai ilmu mengenai norma tentang baik dan buruk dalam kegiatan pemancarluasan siaran melalui media radio ataupun televisi atau media lainnya untuk diterima seca…
“Sebagai seorang praktisi Public Relations tentunya memiliki etika profesi atau kode etik yang harus dilaksanakan. Perihal yang berkaitan dengan ketaatan pada kode etik Public Relations harus men…
Menawarkan pengenalan yang luas untuk studi komunikasi buku ini menganggap bahwa studi komunikasi dalam kehidupan manusia adalah sebuah fenomena kompleks dengan pengaruh yang sangat penting dan lua…
Seperti bidang profesi lainnya, profesi di bidang jurnalisme juga membutuhkan etika. Etika dibutuhkan dalam jurnalisme agar berita yang disampaikan ke publik dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan tidak m…
The authors of Data Skills for Media Professionals have assembled a book that teaches key aspects of data analysis, interactive data visualization and online map-making through an introduction to G…
Categorical Statistics for CommunicationResearch presents scholars with a discipline-specific guide to categorical data analysis. The text blends necessary background information and formulas for s…
The digital era’s new consumer demands a new approach to PR Inbound PR is the handbook that can transform your agency’s business. Today’s customer is fundamentally different, and tradition…
Liveness is a persistent and much-debated concept in media studies. Until recently, it was associated primarily with broadcast media, and television in particular. However, the emergence of social …
Become more culturally competent in an increasingly diverse world Recent years have seen dramatic changes to several institutions worldwide. Our increasingly interconnected, digitized, and glo…
Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact is a comprehensive guide on both the theoretical foundations and practical application of qualitative meth…
We are living in a period of great uncertainty. Votes for Brexit and Trump, along with widespread political volatility, are not only causing turmoil; they are signs that many long-predicted tipping…
Digital, Political, Radical is a siren call to the field of media and communications and the study of social and political movements. We must put the politics of transformation at the very heart of…
Social theory needs to be completely rethought in a world of digital media and social media platforms driven by data processes. Fifty years after Berger and Luckmann published their classic text Th…
Within the so-called seduction community, the ability to meet and attract women is understood as a skill which heterosexual men can cultivate through practical training and personal development. Th…
Global Media Studies is unique in its coverage of places, peoples, institutions, and discourses. Toby Miller and Marwan M. Kraidy provide a comprehensive how-to guide to the study of media, goi…
Emotions have long been neglected in media research, although their role is a vital ingredient in shaping our shared stories and the ways we engage with them. But emotions, as they circulate throug…
Since launching as a website for everyday video-sharing in 2005, YouTube has become one of the world’s most powerful digital media platforms. Originally published in 2009 when YouTube was only fo…
Global and Multicultural Public Relations offers students an expert overview of specific public relations practices, focused on strategic analyses of actual case studies and real-world examples. Em…
The second edition of Diversity in U.S. Mass Media presents a review of the evolution and the many issues surrounding portrayals of social groups in the mass media of the United States. Unfortunate…
For successful political leaders, public speaking is only half the battle. A good politician must also be a competent performer. Whether facing critical questions in an interview, posturing in a le…
From mobile phones to consoles, tablets and PCs, we are now a generation of gamers. The PlayStation Dreamworld is to borrow a phrase from Slavoj i ek the pervert's guide to videogames. It argues th…
This is a short book about the most prominent sign of our times. The simple # sign is now used so widely that it is easy to overlook the fundamental effects it has had in the structuring of public…
The Internet has united the world as never before. But is it in danger of breaking apart? Cybersecurity, geopolitical tensions, and calls for data sovereignty have made many believe that the Intern…
How elections are reported has important implications for the health of democracy and informed citizenship. But, how informative are the news media during campaigns? What kind of logic do they fol…
The field of anthropology took a long time to discover the significance of media in modern culture. In this important new book, Anna Pertierra tells the story of how a field - once firmly associate…
There has been much concern over the impact of partisan echo chambers and filter bubbles on public debate. Is this concern justified, or is it distracting us from more serious issues? Axel Bru…
In the age of social media, fake news and data-driven capitalism, the need for critical understanding is more urgent than ever. Half-baked ideas about ‘media literacy’ will lead us nowhere: we …
In the wake of Edward Snowden's revelations, and concern that the internet has heightened rather than combated various forms of political and social inequality, it is time we ask: what comes after …
In Why Do People Sing? Paddy Scannell explores some of the mysteries at the heart of vocal communication. What explains the communicative musicality of the voices between parent and child as a baby…
More objects and devices are connected to digital networks than ever before. Things - from your phone to your car, from the heating to the lights in your house - have gathered the ability to sense …
Geomedia offers critical analysis of the new possibilities and power relations emerging in the public space of contemporary cities. As ubiquitous digital networks enable embedded and mobile devices…
The claim that 'LGBT rights are human rights' encounters fierce opposition in many parts of the world, as governments and religious leaders have used resistance to 'LGBT rights' to cast themselves …
Until fairly recently, only serial killers and lunatics had profiles. Yet today, almost everyone is profiled through social media, mobile phones, and a multitude of other methods. But where does th…
Sharing is central to how we live today: it is what we do online; it is a model of economic behaviour; and it is also a type of therapeutic talk. Sharing embodies positive values such as empathy, c…
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of Chinese advertising as an industry, a discourse and profession in China s search for modernity and cultural globalization. It compares and contrasts t…
Business-as-usual' has been transformed across the music industries in the post-CD age. Against widespread hype about the purported decline of the major music labels, this book provides a critique …
It is a truism to suggest that celebrity pervades all areas of life today. The growth and expansion of celebrity culture in recent years has been accompanied by an explosion of studies of the socia…
Public relations is, by design, the least visible of the persuasive industries. It operates behind the scenes, encouraging us to consume, vote, believe and behave in ways that keep economies moving…
Media are poetic forces. They produce and reveal worlds, representing them to our senses and connecting them to our lives. While the poetic powers of media are perceptual, symbolic, social and tech…
From their shadowy origins in Bitcoin to their use by multinational corporations, cryptocurrencies and blockchains are remaking the rules of digital media and society. Meanwhile, regulators, govern…
With the advent of digital devices and software, self-tracking practices have gained new adherents and have spread into a wide array of social domains. The Quantified Self movement has emerged to p…
Jürgen Habermas is arguably the most influential social theorist and philosopher of the twentieth century, and his imprint on media and communication studies extends well into the twenty-first. Th…
The question “who am I?” represents one of the key challenges of contemporary life in a globalized world. For most of us, organizations play a key role in answering that question. In this bo…