Includes index.; Introduction -- Basic descriptive statistics : percentages, ratios and rates, frequency distributions -- Charts and graphs -- Measures of central tendency -- Measures of dispersion…
Buku ini membantu pembaca agar mendapatkan keterampilan-keterampilan yang sangat penting dan dibutuhkan anak dalam mengatasi ketidakmampuan belajar nonverbal atau sindrom asperger.
Dari pengalaman mengelola bisnis dan bertemu banyak klien, James Gwee menyarikan "7 Langkah Mengelola Perubahan" secara efektif dan efisien. Ketujuh langkah ini wajib diketahui dan dijalankan oleh …
Pengalaman penulis dan ratusan orangtua anak bipolar atau manik-depresif serta pendapat para pakar profesional kesehatan mental ini, memberi anda informasi spesifik untuk menghadapi berbagai masala…
Negeri 5 Menara (Original Cover) Alif lahir di pinggir Danau Maninjau dan tidak pernah menginjak tanah di luar ranah Minangkabau. Masa kecilnya adalah berburu durian runtuh di rimba Bukit Barisan, …
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have profoundly changed many aspects of life, including the nature of entertainment, work, communication, education, healthcare, industrial product…
Terkadang pekerjaan, tugas atau hal lain semacamnya membuat kita lupa diri, sampai-sampai kita,tak melihat apa yang ada di depan kita saat ini. dengan banyaknya hal yang dipikirkan, banyak hal juga…
Para cendekiawan di seluruh dunia telah menghasilkan penemuan-penemuan baru dan mengembnagkan ide-ide baru yang mencangkup hampir semua domain perkembangan remaja dengan lebih cepat. Lapangan perke…
Like the former editions, this book is designed not only as a teaching text but also as a reference source for students and professionals. It is a major revision. Every chapter has been rewritten t…
This authoritative handbook is the reference of choice for researchers and students of personality. Leading authorities describe the most important theoretical approaches in personality and review …
Whether regarded as a science, an art, or a skill–and it can properly be regarded as all three–logic is the basis of our ability to think, analyze, argue, and communicate. Indeed, logic goes to…
Encourage students to reflect on the processes of thinking, as well as practising thinking skills. Thinking Skills encourages students to reflect on the processes of thinking, as well as developing…
Smart Thinking: Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing 2E is a practical step-by-step guide to improving skills in analysis, critical thinking, and the effective communication of arguments a…
With a clear presentation, Ethics: Theory and Practice educates readers about ethical theory and has them apply what they learn to specific classic and contemporary moral problems (lying, cheating,…
Ethical failures are rooted in leadership failure, the lack of a corporate culture in which ethical concerns have been integrated, and unresponsiveness to key organizational stakeholders. This book…
Setiap orang selalu memiliki obsesi menjadi kaya, bermimpi memiliki rumah megah dan mobil mewah. Sebagian besar waktunya dihabiskan untuk mengejar obsesi itu. Buku ini akan memandu Anda dalam melan…
A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learneers of english.
This book aims to explain physics in a readable and interesting manner that is accessible and clear, and to teach readers by anticipating their needs and difficulties without oversimplifying. Physi…
Pokok bahasan dari buku ini adalah bahasa dan penyederhanaannya, otomata hingga, pushdown automata, touring machine, dan aplikasi yang merupakan implementasi dari teori bahasa dan otomata serta beb…
Buku ini membahas tentang aplikasi matematika dalam dunia keuangn=an dan perbankan sehari-hari. Memberikan perangkat analisis dan metode keuangan.
Climate Change Biology is a new textbook which examines this emerging discipline of human-induced climate change and the resulting shifts in the distributions of species and the timing of biologica…
Buku ini mencoba untuk mengembalikan kedudukan rakyat sebagai "subyek" dan bukan "objek" politik bagi partai politik. Dari kondisi rill dan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat luaslah produ…
This book help you understand fundamental statistical concepts and why they are important to you, your world, and your career. The text's outstanding illustrations, friendly language, non-technical…
This text will help you to develop strong skills in presenting and interpreting statistical information in a business or management environment.
This is an expanded edition of the author's "Multivariate Statistical Analysis." Twice as long, it includes all the material in that edition, but has a more extensive treatment of introductory meth…
This book emphasizing statistical thinking over computation. Offers balanced content, beginning with data analysis, then covering probability and inference in the context of statistics as a whole.
Statistics For Dummies is for everyone who wants to sort through and evaluate the incredible amount of statistical information that comes to them on a daily basis. (You know the stuff: charts, grap…
In "The Language of Mathematics," Keith Devlin reveals the vital role mathematics plays in our eternal quest to understand who we are and the world we live in. More than just the study of numbers,…
This book introduce students to the most important and interesting ideas in mathematics while inspiring them to actively engage in mathematical thinking.
This book takes a non mathematical looks at the principles and processes of hydrology. The thematic treatment of the main phases of the hydrological cycle i.e. precipitation, interception, evaporat…
The 5th edition of "Physics" has been edited to clarify conceptual development in light of recent findings from physics education research, and the mechanics sequence has been re-organized to that …
This book for general beginning statistics courses with a basic algebra prerequisite. The book is non-theoretical, explaining concepts intuitively and teaching problem solving through worked exampl…
Buku ini menyajikan ide-ide segar dan alternatif-alternatif solusi untuk berbagai isu pertelevisian yang dilengkapi dengan Undang Undang Penyiaran.
BUku ini bertujuan untuk mengingatkan publik kepada kontribusi yang telah diberikan pak emil dalam mengembangkan berbagai kebijakan pembangunan di Indonesia dan di dunia internasional. Berisi berba…
This book takes readers behind the scenes in the world of advertising, showcasing 30 phenomenally successful campaigns from the last decade. It is fascinating not only for industry professionals bu…
Buku ini berisi konsep-konsep kewirausahaan yang terintegrasi yang akan mendorong mahasiswa berfikir kreatif dan inovatif tentang cara memulai bisnis, melakukan transformasi kewirausahaan, serta me…
Dream, Believe, Dare and Do. Keempat hal tersebut adalah pilar-pilar yang menopang kesuksesan fenomenal Walt Disney Company. Dan konsep-konsep inilah yang dapat membantu bisnis apa pun ikut memanfa…
the book provides a broad overview of the nature, form, and functions of business and helps to unravel the many hidden and intertwined meanings that business has.
Introduce important stakeholder and ethical frameworks and the social, legal, political, and ethical responsibilities of a business to external and internal groups, while sharpening your students' …
Third edition of The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Finance for Nonfinancial Managers provides a firm grasp on what all the numbers really mean. Designed to let you learn at your own pace, it walks yo…
The classic "Designing with Type" has been completely redesigned, with an updated format and full color throughout. New information and new images make this perennial best-seller an even more valua…
Inspired by the teachings of a master rodmaker, here is a step-by-step guide to the craft of building handmade, heirloom-quality bamboo fly-rods--the most coveted of all rods.
"The Joint Book" is the ultimate workshop reference, providing woodworkers with the knowledge to choose the right joint for the job. It features step-by-step, illustrated instructions for over 70 j…
The textbook in its field for more than twenty years, it continues its cutting-edge focus on contemporary developments in all mainstream areas of image processing–e.g., image fundamentals, image …
This broad introduction to the fundamental concepts of digital imaging shows how the various techniques can be applied to solve real-world problems (e.g., in biology, astronomy, forensics, etc.). I…
Understanding Business is a great book for Business students, entrepreneurs or people who simply seek to learn more about terminologies, concepts and how to better comprehend the business world.
The lack of a specific and comprehensive guide to type design has long been a frustration for typographers, graphic designers and students. "Designing Type" finally addresses this important need - …