The Elusive Eden charts the historical development of California, beginning with the evolution of the landscape and climate and the arrival of the first inhabitants, the Indians, through social, po…
Cases in Comparative Politics, Fourth Edition, is a set of thirteen country studies that describe politics in the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, China, India, Ir…
This collection of essays addresses some of the most important issues in philosophy, involving God, the mind, freedom, knowledge, and ethics. It can accompany James Rachels and Stuart Rachels’ in…
Introducing the new, realistic loyalty pact between employer and employee. The employer-employee relationship is broken, and managers face a seemingly impossible dilemma: the old model of guaran…
In keeping with its bestselling previous editions, Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, Fifth Edition by John Anderson, offers the most readable, interesting, and up-to-date overview of aerodynamics to be…
They Say / I Say demystifies academic writing by identifying its key rhetorical moves, the most important of which is to summarize what others have said ("they say") to set up one's own argument ("…
Addressing a key skill in reading, writing, and speaking, this comprehensive book is grounded in cutting-edge research on vocabulary development. It presents evidence-based instructional approaches…
"Elegant" --Marie Claire "Funny and revelatory." --New York Times Book Review "Deeply accessible, deeply moving." --Los Angeles Times The Polish Boxer covers a vast landscape of human exper…
This groundbreaking, innovative resource is what every school using or planning to use a core reading program absolutely must have. This one-of-a-kind guide takes an objective look at the skills, t…
Find the right person to help supercharge your career. Whether you're eyeing a specific leadership role, hoping to advance your skills, or simply looking to broaden your professional network, you n…
An effective supplement to any standard sociology text, this broad and comprehensive sociological description of five diverse contemporary societies with wide geographic distribution - Japan, Mexic…
This accessible guide brings together well-known authorities to examine what reading fluency is and how it can best be taught. Teachers get a clear, practical roadmap for navigating the often confu…
As a leading introductory women's studies reader, Shaw and Lee's Women's Voices, Feminist Visions offers an excellent balance of classic, conceptual, and experiential selections including new conte…
Written by a prominent scholar in the field, Conrad Phillip Kottak, this concise, student-friendly, current introduction to cultural anthropology carefully balances coverage of core topics and cont…
This accessible text-reader includes extensive student pedagogy--running summaries, high-interest boxes, biographies, epigrams, a philosophical dictionary, and a timeline/map. The new edition offer…
Poetry. Helen Wickes first collection of poems, IN SEARCH OF A LANDSCAPE, is accomplished and audacious, full of both wit and wisdom. A touch of whimsy, ephemeral but sure as clouds, floats through…
Banyak anggapan bahwa kuliah di Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) mudah, kerjanya cuma gambar-gambar doang. Tidak sulit dan tidak keren, karena tidak ada matematikanya. Kemudian anggapan bahwa p…
Lanskap merupakan terbitan kedua seri kumpulan tulisan 'Mosaik Musik dalam Masyarakat', sebagai sebuah hasil dari program Forum Peneliti yang digagas oleh Laras (Studies of Music in Society). Denga…
Sosok Omar Dani mencuat dalam angan saya sebagai perwira yang sangat setia pada prinsip hidup dan karena itu sanggup menanggung duka nestapa seberat apapun. Ia menjadi sebuah contoh survival of the…
Unvarnished Lee This book presents the politically incorrect Lee, often impatient and dismissive of those who criticise his worldview. He is not one for regrets. He does not recant. But there are m…
Buku ini berisi kumpulan karangan Albert Camus yang bertemakan kebebasan dan krisis yang melanda manusia dalam memperjuangkan kebebasannya. Karangan-karangan di dalam buku ini merupakan renungan ya…
Sayap-sayap patah mengisahkan takdir yang mematahkan sayap-sayap cintanya. Kasihnya yang tak sampai pada gadis Prancis, juga kepada gadis Libanon yang kemudian terpaksa menikah dengan pendeta demi …
Taman sang Nabi yang ditulis oleh gibran beberapa tahun seblum meninggal. Wejangan mengenai kebijaksanaan yang universal dan renungan mistis yang menyusup ke segala dimensi alam besar. Pasir dan b…
When making games for kids, it’s tempting to simply wing-it on the design. We were all children once, right? The reality is that adults are far removed from the cognitive changes and the motor sk…
Buku ini berisi kajian semiotik atas tiga "film sejarah", yakni Enam Djam di Jogja, Janur Kuning, dan Serangan Fajar. Akan terlihat betapa media film sangat efektif untuk membangun citra bagi kekua…
Buku ini mengupas berbagai fasilitas yang dimiliki Microsoft Project 2013. Microsoft Project merupakan software administrasi proyek yang digunakan untuk melakukan perencanaan, pengelolaan, pengawas…
Today, only those business leaders with the power of long-term foresight will seize and hold true competitive advantage. But can managers really predict the future? Yes, to a greater extent than on…
A rich, realistic, and useful analysis of the problems of decision making in an organization. This text introduces the student to the more important concepts of both organization theory and decisio…
This text introduces students to basic statistical techniques used in formulating individual business forecasts and longe-range plans, with an emphasis on the application of these techniques by man…
Designed as a resource for practitioners, this work shows how competence-based human resource management techniques can be applied to employment interviews, yielding high rates of employment succes…
This market-leading text trains the leaders of tomorrow's multinational enterprises to recognize and capitalize on the unique characteristics of global markets. Because the job of a manager is to m…
Because many issues in international business are complex, the text explores the pros and cons of economic theories, government policies, business strategies, organizational structures, etc. Hill's…
Booming media sosial di era digital tidak hanya membuat orang semakin eksis, narsis, dan tahu banyak hal, tetapi juga membuka peluang bagi pelajar untuk sukses di usia muda. Tidak percaya? Tokoh-…
Berbasis kasus-kasus manajemen di Indonesia, buku ini bertujuan untuk mengupayakan agar teori-teori manajemen yang dibahas di dalamnya, dapat dipahami keterkaitannya dengan berbagai kasus manajemen…
Penelitian kualitatif manajemen merupakan kebutuhan yang niscaya dalam perubahan cepat penuh ketidakpastian pada era global ini. Sebab dapat membantu memahami masalah yang sesungguhnya, masalah man…
This updated, streamlined, and finely-focused edition of the pioneering text in the field offers a concise, comprehensive, and student-friendly introduction to International Accounting. A multinati…
As the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) makes significant strides in achieving global convergence of accounting standards worldwide, the International Financial Reporting Standards (…
"Understanding IFRS Fundamentals: International Financial Reporting Standards." Filled with easy-to-follow examples and case studies, "Understanding IFRS Fundamentals: International Financial Repor…
The large-scale, global adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has created an urgent need for a one-step resource with lucid explanations and comprehensive.
This book offers complete coverage of, and an integrated approach to, the entire audit process--taking readers step-by-step through each audit cycle, then showing how each step relates to the proce…
Buku untuk memahami proses analisis laporan keuangan. Terdapat pula soal-soal diskusi agar mempermudah pemahaman.
The full text of Accounting, Auditing and Governance Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions as at Safar 1432H - 2010.